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antiquity - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of antiquity in Hindi

  • प्राचीन काल
  • पुरातनता
  • पूर्वकाल के अत्रशेष

antiquity Definition

  • the ancient past, especially the period before the Middle Ages. ( प्राचीन काल, विशेष रूप से मध्य युग से पहले की अवधि। )
  • great age. ( महान युग। )

antiquity Example

  • In order to appreciate the Nile's position in antiquity , we should see it through ancient eyes, remembering the ancient distinctions between the divine and the human. ( पुरातनता में नील की स्थिति की सराहना करने के लिए, हमें इसे दिव्य और मानव के बीच के प्राचीन भेदों को याद करते हुए, प्राचीन आंखों से देखना चाहिए। )
  • Another aspect that deserves attention is the relationship between the antiquity of a gene and its evolutionary rate. ( एक और पहलू जो ध्यान देने योग्य है, वह है जीन की प्राचीनता और उसकी विकास दर के बीच का संबंध। )
  • Undoubtedly, residential building and housing is one of those areas in which one can note a clear change in technology, materials, and design from the period of classical antiquity to that of the early Middle Ages. ( निस्संदेह, आवासीय भवन और आवास उन क्षेत्रों में से एक है, जिसमें कोई भी तकनीक, सामग्री, और डिजाइन में स्पष्ट बदलाव को शास्त्रीय प्राचीनता की अवधि से प्रारंभिक मध्य युग तक नोट कर सकता है। )
  • From antiquity through the Middle Ages, according to Wickberg, ‘humor’ referred always to objective entities. ( मध्य युग के दौरान प्राचीन काल से, विकबर्ग के अनुसार, 'हास्य' हमेशा उद्देश्य संस्थाओं के लिए संदर्भित होता है। )
  • Thus, the spirit of the age in antiquity is in direct conflict with modern perceptions of the period. ( इस प्रकार, पुरातन काल में युग की भावना सीधे आधुनिक काल की धारणाओं के साथ संघर्ष में है। )
  • Three factors fed into the transformation of the Mediterranean economy of antiquity into the European economy of the Middle Ages. ( मध्ययुगीन यूरोपीय अर्थव्यवस्था में पुरातनता की भूमध्यसागरीय अर्थव्यवस्था में परिवर्तन में तीन कारक। )
  • Aside from the intrinsic fascination for knowing the antiquity of a given species or clade, accurate date estimation is important for advancing evolutionary theory. ( किसी दिए गए प्रजाति या ताली की प्राचीनता को जानने के लिए आंतरिक आकर्षण के अलावा, सटीक तिथि अनुमान विकासवादी सिद्धांत को आगे बढ़ाने के लिए महत्वपूर्ण है। )
  • the great civilizations of antiquity ( पुरातनता की महान सभ्यताएँ )
  • The issue for me is closely associated with the antiquity of the earth. ( मेरे लिए मुद्दा पृथ्वी की प्राचीनता के साथ निकटता से जुड़ा हुआ है। )
  • Though human life was not regarded as sacred in antiquity , the Greeks judged murder to be an act of impiety, since it offended the gods and caused miasma or pollution. ( यद्यपि प्राचीन जीवन को पुरातनता में पवित्र नहीं माना गया था, यूनानियों ने हत्या को न्यायपूर्णता का कार्य माना, क्योंकि इसने देवताओं को नाराज किया और माया या प्रदूषण का कारण बना। )

More Sentence

  • Such a work did finally appear in 1998 with the publication of The Western Church in the Middle Ages by John A.F. Thompson who, like Russell and Frank, begins in late antiquity .
  • It quickly crossed over into imaginings of the European past as well as Aboriginal antiquity .
  • Papers in the programme cover a wide subject area - from underwear to tiaras - and a wide geographical and chronological range - from ancient Egypt to late antiquity in the west.
  • From the early fourth century onwards, a competing Christian topography emerged within the sacred landscape of classical antiquity , rapidly supplanting its rival.
  • So I wrote to the author, complimenting him on the well-written article, and then challenging him on his statements about the antiquity of horseshoe crabs.
  • As a young man, Erasmus believed that northern Europeans knew nothing of classical antiquity - his career sought to remedy this barbarism.
  • They came to reject medieval scholasticism, and made classical antiquity the basis of western Europe's educational system and cultural outlook.
  • The genius behind the reforms was Wilhelm von Humboldt, who had served in Rome after 1801 as envoy to the Holy See but was more interested in classical antiquity .
  • His 37-volume Natural History is the longest work on science in Latin that has survived from antiquity .
  • In antiquity Gibraltar belonged in turn to the Phoenicians, Carthaginians, Romans, and Visigoths.
  • He has noted that population size is an important element in determining population diversity which is usually assumed to derive from the antiquity of a population.
  • The revival of classical antiquity , the discovery of the wider world, and the growing unease with organized religion, meant ‘man became a spiritual individual’.
  • Although it is known that the other island, known in antiquity as Lerina, was inhabited from an early period, there is nothing to see there relating to Honoratus, the 4th century saint from whom it derives its modern name.
  • Jewish tradition has given us Lilith, from the Old Testament we know Eve, while classical antiquity produced Xantippe and the Amazons.
  • He painstakingly gathered and published in The African Past a rich collection of little-used documents dating back to antiquity .
  • cameos dating from classical antiquity
  • Now some writers question the antiquity of the rabbinic moser laws.
  • Over the last generation, the religious history of later antiquity and the early middle ages has become one of the most exciting areas of research in pre-modern history.
  • This is good since there is such a deluge of false information in regards to the antiquity of Wicca, and hopefully the seeker who reads these books will come away with a true sense of the age of Wicca.
  • So did the Christian world historians of late antiquity .