antagonistic - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of antagonistic in Hindi
- विरोधी
- प्रतिरोधी
- विपक्षी
- प्रतिकूल
- प्रतिपक्षी
- विरोधपूर्ण
- विपरीत
antagonistic Definition
- showing or feeling active opposition or hostility toward someone or something. ( सक्रिय विरोध या किसी या किसी चीज़ के प्रति शत्रुता दिखाना या महसूस करना। )
antagonistic Example
- This is compatible with a genuine antagonistic action of the drugs during their gradual diffusion and washout. ( यह उनके क्रमिक प्रसार और वॉशआउट के दौरान दवाओं की एक वास्तविक विरोधी कार्रवाई के साथ संगत है। )
- Such an antagonistic effect of UVA could potentially explain much of the controversy. ( UVA के इस तरह के एक विरोधी प्रभाव संभावित रूप से विवाद के बहुत कुछ समझा सकता है। )
- Furthermore, an antagonistic effect of added amino acids, such as glutamine, on sucrose-induced GS expression was observed. ( इसके अलावा, सुक्रोज प्रेरित जीएस अभिव्यक्ति पर जोड़ा अमीनो एसिड, जैसे ग्लूटामाइन का एक विरोधी प्रभाव देखा गया। )
- The arms are an important means of defence of our vulnerable points, including the head, chest, and abdomen, as well as of antagonistic connections to others. ( हथियार हमारे कमजोर बिंदुओं की रक्षा का एक महत्वपूर्ण साधन हैं, जिसमें सिर, छाती और पेट शामिल हैं, साथ ही साथ दूसरों के लिए विरोधी कनेक्शन भी। )
- Would any of the societies be antagonistic to each other? ( क्या कोई भी समाज एक दूसरे के विरोधी होगा? )
- Nor are most Australians of Irish descent (partial or complete) antagonistic to Britain. ( और न ही ब्रिटेन के अधिकांश आयरिश मूल (आंशिक या पूर्ण) विरोधी हैं। )
- Lutheranism developed in two different directions, somewhat antagonistic to one another. ( लूथरवाद दो अलग-अलग दिशाओं में विकसित हुआ, कुछ हद तक एक-दूसरे के विरोधी। )
- Although antagonistic to this cultural heritage, their critiques can themselves be said to assume a national frame. ( यद्यपि इस सांस्कृतिक विरासत के विरोधी, उनके आलोचकों को खुद को राष्ट्रीय फ्रेम मानने के लिए कहा जा सकता है। )
- The commission on men may well die on the vine from being stacked with members who are antagonistic to, or ignorant of, men's issues. ( पुरुषों पर आयोग अच्छी तरह से उन सदस्यों के साथ ढेर होने से बेल पर मर सकता है जो पुरुषों के मुद्दों के प्रति विरोधी, या अज्ञानी हैं। )
- These two communities are often antagonistic to each other, and I think that may be because they do not understand each other. ( ये दोनों समुदाय अक्सर एक-दूसरे के विरोधी होते हैं, और मुझे लगता है कि ऐसा हो सकता है क्योंकि वे एक-दूसरे को नहीं समझते हैं। )
- He was rude and antagonistic to my friends, kept picking arguments and was often deliberately provocative, manipulating people into tense arguments. ( वह मेरे दोस्तों के प्रति असभ्य और विरोधी था, तर्क-वितर्क करता रहता था और अक्सर जानबूझकर भड़काऊ, लोगों को तनावपूर्ण तर्कों में उलझाता था। )
- In the future we might have a Government that is pretty antagonistic to the aid community, and is running some rather strange foreign policy agendas. ( भविष्य में हमारे पास एक सरकार हो सकती है जो सहायता समुदाय के लिए बहुत विरोधी है, और कुछ बल्कि अजीब विदेश नीति एजेंडा चला रही है। )
More Sentence
- The capitalist profit motive is antagonistic to public health, preferring to treat illness rather than preventing it.
- The ceremony at the square was watched by more than three thousand people, including many who had been so antagonistic to him.
- I have often wondered why so many theologians are keen on the very writers who are most overtly antagonistic to Christianity.
- Their attitudes concerning poetry and its function in life are different, sometimes even antagonistic to one another.
- I was disappointed that our elected representative was so antagonistic to councillors who were working hard to resolve the dispute.
- It recognizes that politics must have an underlying morality to it, but it is antagonistic to traditional morality.
- I am left wondering what moves people to be so antagonistic to two beautiful and harmless wild creatures.
- Some students have trouble coping with friends or family members who are antagonistic to their teaching aspirations.
- Greek city-states were fiercely independent and often profoundly antagonistic to their immediate Greek neighbours.
- It is no longer possible for any section of the global population to cling to a system of thinking that is uncompromisingly antagonistic to the thinking of others.
- It has both agonistic actions and weak opioid antagonistic activity.
- But in Britain and the US many people feel ambivalent or antagonistic towards the mainstream popular resistance.
- It is deeply rooted in place and profoundly antagonistic to market values.
- These molecules appear to function antagonistically , especially regarding regulation of cell proliferation.
- We discuss alternative pathways of sexual selection that may have acted in this system, including the possibility that female preferences and male traits have evolved antagonistically .
- In this process, we see the fallacy of blaming others for our emotional reactions and we are less likely to act out antagonistically or violently toward others.
- We found that mildly deleterious mutations interacted synergistically in poor-resource environments but antagonistically in rich-resource environments.
- They react antagonistically to any demand from the rank-and-file for democracy and accountability.