anorexia - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of anorexia in Hindi
- एनोरेक्सिया
- अरुचि
- क्षुधानाश
- क्षुधामान्द्य
anorexia Definition
- a lack or loss of appetite for food (as a medical condition). ( भोजन के लिए भूख की कमी या हानि (एक चिकित्सा स्थिति के रूप में)। )
anorexia Example
- The patient with nausea and anorexia is at risk for inadequate nutrition and weight loss, and should be monitored. ( मतली और एनोरेक्सिया वाले रोगी अपर्याप्त पोषण और वजन घटाने के लिए जोखिम में हैं, और उनकी निगरानी की जानी चाहिए। )
- Medication should be considered in the treatment of anorexia but should not be the sole or primary treatment. ( एनोरेक्सिया के उपचार में दवा पर विचार किया जाना चाहिए लेकिन एकमात्र या प्राथमिक उपचार नहीं होना चाहिए। )
- Someone with anorexia might visit their GP because of symptoms such as loss of periods, abdominal pain, bloating or constipation. ( एनोरेक्सिया के साथ कोई व्यक्ति अपने जीपी का दौरा कर सकता है जैसे कि पीरियड्स का नुकसान, पेट में दर्द, सूजन या कब्ज जैसे लक्षण। )
- Other symptoms may include fever, malaise, anorexia , and weight loss. ( अन्य लक्षणों में बुखार, अस्वस्थता, एनोरेक्सिया और वजन घटाने शामिल हो सकते हैं। )
- he has anorexia ( उसे एनोरेक्सिया है )
- she got anorexia ( उसे एनोरेक्सिया हो गया )
- As well as suffering from asthma, she is receiving medical treatment for anorexia . ( अस्थमा से पीड़ित होने के साथ ही, वह एनोरेक्सिया के लिए चिकित्सा उपचार प्राप्त कर रही हैं। )
- Patients who have anorexia typically will be unconcerned about significant weight loss. ( जिन रोगियों में एनोरेक्सिया होता है, वे आमतौर पर महत्वपूर्ण वजन घटाने के बारे में असंबद्ध होते हैं। )
- My daughter, who nearly died from anorexia , is making a steady recovery. ( मेरी बेटी, जो लगभग एनोरेक्सिया से मर गई थी, लगातार वसूली कर रही है। )
- He was otherwise asymptomatic, with no anorexia , weight loss, or jaundice. ( वह अन्यथा स्पर्शोन्मुख था, जिसमें कोई एनोरेक्सिया, वजन कम या पीलिया नहीं था। )
- Although some people with anorexia have bingeing and purging habits, the two conditions are distinct. ( हालांकि एनोरेक्सिया वाले कुछ लोगों में द्वि घातुमान और शुद्ध करने की आदतें हैं, दोनों स्थितियां अलग हैं। )
- Girls and women with anorexia might stop having normal menstrual periods. ( एनोरेक्सिया वाली लड़कियों और महिलाओं में मासिक धर्म का सामान्य होना बंद हो सकता है। )
- For a start, he has suffered from depression and anorexia , neither of which are conditions that men readily admit to having. ( एक शुरुआत के लिए, वह अवसाद और एनोरेक्सिया से पीड़ित हो गया, दोनों में से कोई भी ऐसी स्थिति नहीं है जो पुरुष आसानी से स्वीकार करते हैं। )
More Sentence
- Nausea, vomiting and anorexia were also commonly present in these patients.
- People with anorexia limit their food intake severely, and so become very underweight.
- Both medications can cause gastrointestinal effects such as anorexia and nausea.
- Although 90% of people with anorexia are women, anorexia nervosa is also found in men, all ages, in all social and almost all cultural groups.
- She was diagnosed with anorexia nervosa after psychiatric consultation and discharged.
- Persons with anorexia nervosa eventually become visibly recognizable because of their severely underweight status.
- The symptoms of anorexia nervosa include loss of weight and changes in other physical features, together with a change in personality and behaviour.
- It has recently been argued that the eating disorder anorexia nervosa is no longer bound to specific Western localities.
- The family has been shown to play an important role in both the development and the treatment of eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia.
- The main types of eating disorders are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.
- People who intentionally starve themselves suffer from an eating disorder called anorexia nervosa .
- This practical manual offers a step-by-step guide to the treatment of anorexia nervosa in adolescents.
- The other main eating disorder, anorexia nervosa , is characterised by excessive weight loss.
- Patients with anorexia nervosa often attempt to deceive health care professionals because they do not want treatment for their disorder.