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anguish - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of anguish in Hindi

  • पीड़ा
  • वेदना
  • वेदना
  • मनोव्यथा
  • यंत्रणा
  • मलाल
  • संताप
  • दु:ख
  • कष्ट

anguish Definition


  • severe mental or physical pain or suffering. ( गंभीर मानसिक या शारीरिक दर्द या पीड़ा। )


  • be extremely distressed about something. ( किसी बात को लेकर अत्यंत व्यथित होना। )

anguish Example

  • I cried in anguish , but I had to return to my school, a broken but wiser man. ( मैं पीड़ा में रोया, लेकिन मुझे अपने स्कूल में एक टूटे-फूटे लेकिन समझदार व्यक्ति के रूप में लौटना पड़ा। )
  • I'm glad he no longer has to suffer not only the physical agony but also the mental anguish of rejecting this new world. ( मुझे खुशी है कि अब उसे न केवल शारीरिक पीड़ा झेलनी पड़ रही है, बल्कि इस नई दुनिया को खारिज करने की मानसिक पीड़ा भी है। )
  • My ankle began to throb and I cried out in anguish . ( मेरा टखना धड़कने लगा और मैं पीड़ा में रोने लगी। )
  • He dropped to his knees and gathered up handfuls of dust and smeared them on his forehead and chest, crying aloud in anguish . ( वह अपने घुटनों पर गिरा और मुट्ठी भर धूल इकट्ठी की और उन्हें अपने माथे और छाती पर लिटाया, पीड़ा में जोर से रोने लगा। )
  • I am appealing to all mums and dads, please sit your children down and explain what distress and anguish they cause with their pranks. ( मैं सभी माताओं और डैड्स से अपील कर रहा हूं, कृपया अपने बच्चों को बैठने दें और समझाएं कि वे अपने संकटों के कारण किस संकट और पीड़ा से गुजर रहे हैं। )
  • Alexander cried out in anguish , but was unable to move away from a final blow. ( अलेक्जेंडर पीड़ा में रोया, लेकिन एक अंतिम झटका से दूर जाने में असमर्थ था। )
  • The film depicts how physical and mental anguish can distort our view of reality. ( फिल्म में दिखाया गया है कि शारीरिक और मानसिक पीड़ा वास्तविकता के हमारे दृष्टिकोण को कैसे बिगाड़ सकती है। )
  • And when I woke up today, I found a lot of the despair and anguish I had been feeling lately had left me. ( और जब मैं आज उठा, तो मुझे बहुत निराशा और पीड़ा मिली, मुझे लग रहा था कि हाल ही में मुझे छोड़ दिया है। )

More Sentence

  • Her face was set in anguish ; eyes squeezed shut, her mouth twisted in sorrow.
  • Rumor infiltrates the camp and Euryalus' mother cries out in anguish at the death of her son.
  • Wit changes to anguish to make up a very absorbing narrative.
  • she shut her eyes in anguish
  • He was unable to speak from exhaustion, physical pain and mental anguish .
  • He says the trauma of that day continues to haunt him and has caused him severe mental anguish .
  • She tried to get up but the stinging pain on her back caused her to cry out in anguish .
  • Philip gave a cry of anguish
  • I was in anguish , feeling the pain of my neighbours who had lost relatives.
  • But when it takes literally years for a full inquest to be staged, families say the pain and anguish they suffer becomes that much worse.
  • But if something had happened to me while I was there, I wouldn't have wanted the world to gnash its teeth in anguish and despair over me.
  • But deep down I felt for him because the pain and anguish he and his family went through was immense.
  • Courts have rejected the claims of people who tried to recover damages for pain and suffering and for mental anguish .
  • I had to bite down on my lip and close my eyes for a moment to keep myself from crying out in anguish .
  • What anguished me most was that I had allowed this to happen to me.
  • A firefighter and fire technician with Parks Canada, Taylor uses his unique perspective to capture in anguishing detail the awesome force that is a forest fire.
  • How anguishing this book must have been to an individual so committed to protecting patients.
  • He is anguished to see that it is his mother who is moaning.
  • Kornfeld is also strongly attracted to the idea of a free soul and is anguished by the fact that men are ‘burdened’ by being ‘chained’ to their souls.
  • You smile so that others won't see what's anguishing you.
  • Many of his supporters were anguished by the political cost of their votes of conscience.
  • Christian is anguished when he loses the money and he has to admit that half of the money belongs to Clym.