angry - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of angry in Hindi
- गुस्सा
- नाराज
- अप्रसन्न
- खफा
- क्रोधित
- क्रुद्ध
- क्रोधी
- कुपित
- क्षुब्ध
- स्र्ष्ट
- खीजा हुआ
- ख़फ़ा
angry Definition
- having a strong feeling of or showing annoyance, displeasure, or hostility; full of anger. ( झुंझलाहट, नाराजगी या शत्रुता दिखाने की तीव्र भावना होना; क्रोध से भरा हुआ। )
angry Example
- Besides, doesn't it make you more angry that the government is going to war in your name? ( इसके अलावा, क्या इससे आपको अधिक गुस्सा नहीं आता है कि सरकार आपके नाम पर युद्ध करने जा रही है? )
- There were scabs, but where the skin had been angry red, it was now a more healthy shade of pink. ( स्कैब्स थे, लेकिन जहां त्वचा लाल लाल हो गई थी, वह अब गुलाबी रंग की अधिक स्वस्थ छाया थी। )
- When I think back about the things that truly made me angry there were few. ( जब मैं उन चीजों के बारे में वापस सोचता हूं जो वास्तव में मुझे गुस्सा दिलाती हैं तो कुछ ही थे। )
- she gets angry ( उसे गुस्सा आ जाता है )
- The angry waves lash at my body, as if the sea is trying to reclaim what it had just lost. ( क्रोधी लहरें मेरे शरीर पर टकराती हैं, मानो समुद्र पुनः प्राप्त करने की कोशिश कर रहा हो। )
- The sea lashed the rock like angry scorpions wishing for release from a cage making small droplets of water fly up. ( समुद्र ने चट्टान को चीर दिया जैसे गुस्से में बिच्छू एक पिंजरे से निकलने की कामना करता है जिससे पानी की छोटी बूंदें उड़ जाती हैं। )
- He always seems angry with the world, and often comes over as tetchy in interviews. ( वह हमेशा दुनिया से नाराज़ लगता है, और अक्सर साक्षात्कारों में तनाव के रूप में आता है। )
- The papers are angry that we gave hospital consultants a massive pay rise without asking them to do any more work. ( कागजात से नाराज हैं कि हमने अस्पताल के सलाहकारों को बिना किसी और काम के करने के लिए कहा। )
- On two occasions, it has gone too far and I have actually been so angry that I hit him. ( दो मौकों पर, यह बहुत दूर चला गया है और मुझे वास्तव में इतना गुस्सा आया है कि मैंने उसे मारा। )
- There was an angry purple bruise around her arm, slightly in the shape of fingers. ( उसकी बांह के चारों ओर एक बैंगनी रंग का गुस्सा था, थोड़ा उंगलियों के आकार में। )
More Sentence
- The waves of the angry sea threw Lorana into her uncle, Koric, who held on to the oar with all his strength.
- As Chris points the boat back to Paignton, the sky is already looking angry .
- One minute I feel we can get over this but the next I'm angry with him and feel I could never trust him again.
- the angry sea
- she gave me an angry glare
- My blood begins to boil and my hair and eyes take on the angry shade of fire engine red.
- The abrasions around his neck were an angry red, a sharp contrast to his pale skin.
- The doctor had just finished applying eight stitches to the angry gash beneath his left eye.
- She has now recovered, but I am so angry that she could have died because this problem has been ignored for so long.
- He had too much to lose and so little to gain, and he besides, he was too angry with her.
- she was angry at the refusal
- Despite this the committee voted to take no further action with many angry that the motion had even been on the agenda.
- Darius' eyes were hard and intense and his stormy aura swirled with angry red.
- Labor Senator Kate Lundy is angry that not all thefts have been reported to the police.
- Afterwards my face had a number of large angry swollen red areas which have since gone down.
- Another was angry that they first heard about the outage from customers, rather than BT.
- I heard his angry reply
- Firms in Idle are angry that two cab companies are parking outside their businesses and taking away trade.
- the Liffey looked angry
- While car criminals infuriate Fry he is as angry with receivers of stolen goods.