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anatomical - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of anatomical in Hindi

  • संरचनात्मक
  • शरीर-रचना-संबंधी
  • शरीररचना संबंधी

anatomical Definition

  • of or relating to bodily structure. ( या शारीरिक संरचना से संबंधित है। )

anatomical Example

  • The anatomical location of the pelvic blood vessels puts them at risk for injury during hip surgery. ( पैल्विक रक्त वाहिकाओं का शारीरिक स्थान उन्हें हिप सर्जरी के दौरान चोट लगने के खतरे में डालता है। )
  • Most episodes are due to urinary tract infections and renal cyst rupture that relate to the underlying anatomical abnormalities. ( अधिकांश एपिसोड मूत्र पथ के संक्रमण और वृक्क पुटी टूटना के कारण होते हैं जो अंतर्निहित शारीरिक असामान्यताओं से संबंधित होते हैं। )
  • It's not a cancer that spreads through the blood stream all over the body, rather it stays confined to one anatomical region of the body. ( यह एक कैंसर नहीं है जो पूरे शरीर में रक्त प्रवाह से फैलता है, बल्कि यह शरीर के एक शारीरिक क्षेत्र तक सीमित रहता है। )
  • Many medical, physiological, or anatomical terms have origins that we never even think of. ( कई चिकित्सा, शारीरिक, या शारीरिक शब्दों की उत्पत्ति है कि हम कभी भी नहीं सोचते हैं। )
  • We know he made many drawings of all kinds but beyond his anatomical studies, only a handful appears to survive. ( हम जानते हैं कि उन्होंने सभी प्रकार के कई चित्र बनाए लेकिन अपने शारीरिक अध्ययन से परे, केवल एक मुट्ठी भर ही जीवित है। )
  • Grey's anatomical studies follow the precedent set by Michelangelo, who risked excommunication to secretly study anatomy in a morgue. ( ग्रे के शारीरिक अध्ययन माइकल एंजेलो द्वारा निर्धारित मिसाल का पालन करते हैं, जिन्होंने मुर्दाघर में गुप्त रूप से शारीरिक रचना का अध्ययन करने के लिए बहिष्कार का जोखिम उठाया था। )
  • The scientists had a laboratory for the study of anatomical and zoological specimens and a reference library. ( वैज्ञानिकों के पास एनाटोमिकल और जूलॉजिकल नमूनों और एक संदर्भ पुस्तकालय के अध्ययन के लिए एक प्रयोगशाला थी। )

More Sentence

  • Five branches of the same developmental stage, i.e. of similar length and bearing up to seven leaves, were selected for leaf anatomical study.
  • To understand the supportive anatomical structures of the pelvis it is necessary to see the ligaments, as well.
  • Moreover, researchers can analyse the associated neurological, causative, and anatomical findings.
  • Once a year in the early days, the body of an executed criminal would be handed over to the college for anatomical study.
  • Lawlor's equine subjects are informed by the mythical rather than the figurative or strictly anatomical study.
  • New anatomical features usually arise from modification of an existing structure.
  • He died from bladder cancer in Oxford, leaving his body to anatomical science.
  • Until well into the 1980s, anatomical studies suggested that hippos may have evolved from pigs.
  • He or she holds the patient's leg and hip in correct anatomical position while the cement hardens.
  • Under Dittrich skeletons were studied and sketched as anatomical specimens, not always skull to toe.
  • This approach is not without problems, due to the neurovascular anatomical structures in close proximity.
  • If I wanted to see the anatomical structures underlying an injury, I was unable to do it as quickly with the CD as flicking through a textbook.
  • This could indicate that stones caused anatomical damage to the urinary tract.
  • His early anatomical studies were intended to form part of his treatise on painting.
  • The standard technique for placing central venous catheters is by using anatomical landmarks.
  • It is used to displace subretinal fluid and return the retina to its normal anatomical position.
  • Disappointingly, however, bones and other anatomical structures are impossible to see.
  • At his death he was working on an anatomical study (now at Yale) comparing various species.
  • Over 20 000 anatomical structures can be revealed, all of which can be identified by a click of the mouse.
  • A sub-sample of 15 stems per variety was used for anatomical studies and quantification of tension wood.
  • This means loss or abnormality of psychological, physiological or anatomical structure or function.
  • In a similar manner Leonardo had previously relied on a figure study by Pollaiuolo when he started his anatomical studies around 1487.
  • The woman has a history of ectopic pregnancy, pelvic infection, endometriosis, or anatomical abnormalities