anathema - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of anathema in Hindi
anathema Definition
- something or someone that one vehemently dislikes. ( कुछ या कोई है जो एक vehemently नापसंद करता है। )
- a formal curse by a pope or a council of the Church, excommunicating a person or denouncing a doctrine. ( एक पोप या चर्च की एक परिषद द्वारा एक औपचारिक अभिशाप, एक व्यक्ति को बहिष्कृत करना या एक सिद्धांत की निंदा करना। )
anathema Example
- Being such a private man I think this was anathema to him, to be exposed, you know, publicly in this way. ( इस तरह के एक निजी आदमी होने के नाते मुझे लगता है कि यह उसके लिए एक तरह का अपमान था, जिसे आप उजागर करना जानते हैं, सार्वजनिक रूप से इस तरह से। )
- The process of formation and literacy that is taking place within the space and time of the flows, is often located within the logic of corporate organization even though they are literally an anathema to it. ( गठन और साक्षरता की प्रक्रिया जो प्रवाह के स्थान और समय के भीतर हो रही है, अक्सर कॉर्पोरेट संगठन के तर्क के भीतर स्थित होती है, भले ही वे वास्तव में इसके लिए एक अनाथ हो। )
- There are many others who are directly or indirectly associated with the process of finding a solution to this problem that serves as an anathema to this unique city. ( कई अन्य लोग हैं जो इस समस्या का समाधान खोजने की प्रक्रिया से प्रत्यक्ष या अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से जुड़े हुए हैं जो इस अनोखे शहर के लिए एक अनैथम के रूप में कार्य करता है। )
- He shrank from the venerable saint as if to avoid an anathema . ( वह आदरणीय संत से इस तरह सिकुड़ गया मानो अनात्म से बच गया हो। )
- Such open displays of patriotism are anathema to today's liberal journalists, who see ‘taking sides’ as a betrayal of journalistic objectivity. ( देशभक्ति के ऐसे खुले प्रदर्शन आज के उदारवादी पत्रकारों के लिए आत्मीय हैं, जो al पक्ष लेने ’को पत्रकारीय वस्तुनिष्ठता के विश्वासघात के रूप में देखते हैं। )
- And the entire concept is anathema to Garbo's Hollywood heirs, most of whom break out in a rash and require vodka injections if they remain unphotographed for longer than 17 minutes. ( और पूरी अवधारणा गार्बो के हॉलीवुड के उत्तराधिकारियों के लिए एक प्रकार का जानवर है, जिनमें से अधिकांश एक दाने को तोड़ते हैं और 17 मिनट से अधिक समय तक अप्रकाशित रहने पर वोदका इंजेक्शन की आवश्यकता होती है। )
- To them, I will only say that regardless of whether it is big or small, supporting evil is anathema to any man who seeks the good, the right and the true. ( उनके लिए, मैं केवल इतना ही कहूंगा कि चाहे वह बड़ा हो या छोटा, बुराई का समर्थन करना किसी भी आदमी के लिए अच्छा है, जो अच्छे, सही और सच्चे की तलाश करता है। )
- racial hatred was anathema to her ( नस्लीय घृणा उसके लिए अनात्म थी )
- In spite of many examples of successful reform through the introduction of choice and competition in other countries, these ideas continue to be an anathema to the German electorate. ( अन्य देशों में पसंद और प्रतियोगिता की शुरुआत के माध्यम से सफल सुधार के कई उदाहरणों के बावजूद, ये विचार जर्मन मतदाताओं के लिए एक दुखद घटना है। )
More Sentence
- This is anathema to New Labour - a government which is uninterested in history, and which equates the whole notion of tradition with the ‘forces of conservatism’ holding the country back.
- It's no wonder then, that Paul calls down God's curse, God's anathema , His ban on those behind their potential defection from Christ.
- The idea that one would voluntarily inject poison into one's body was anathema to me.
- Contraception and abortion were, of course, anathema to Mother Teresa.
- Hitherto Macra's aims were strictly educational, social and cultural and involvement in economics, which had been strenuously resisted at all levels, was still an anathema to many.
- Given such a declaration, O'Brien might be surprised to find herself quoted in another, more recent interview saying: ‘News stories are anathema to fiction’.
- In the legend, the burden of hierarchical corruption is carried by the anathema hurled by the wives immolating themselves, and it culminates in a fatal robe of honour.
- Yet they have been given a daily diet of statements from Democratic leaders that seem intent on not only avoiding a fight but also embracing candidates who would be anathema to the Democratic base.
- It is an anathema to me to suggest that someone in their 60s is past their sell-by date.
- But that wild idea was quickly shown to reduce commercial and industrial property taxes in Toronto and increase them everywhere else in the province, a result that was anathema to the government.
- America's founders knew that corporate power was anathema to the public interest and the democratic will of the people, so they created a framework to run government like a government.
- This sort of thing has every danger of deteriorating into a wider cultural rift between outsiders and others, which is quite anathema to a place like Bangalore that thrives on its cosmopolitan character.
- The idea of counter-cyclical policy was anathema to the Victorians.
- That idea [that the Federal Government should embrace ‘traditional values’] is anathema to those who take the Constitution seriously.
- Facing persecution in idolatrous Mecca, in AD 622 the Prophet Muhammad pronounced an anathema on the city's leaders and took his followers to Medina.
- Peace required partial ideological abdication, in that each state treated as legitimate other states whose arguments for their own legitimacy were anathema to its own principles.
- The anathemas were eventually cancelled on 7 December 1965, by Pope Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras I, as part of a larger effort to draw the two Churches together, after centuries of separation.
- At times, as the curses and the anathemas rained upon him, he held his hands out in front of him, like a school nerd begging the bullies not to hit him again.
- Although anathemas followed against any who disagreed with the faith so formulated, there was no prohibition against altering the creed at a future council.
- That's when anathemas begin to fly and dialogue becomes impossible.
- Each community can assert its own convictions forcefully, but neither community should resort to anathemas or silences, to exclusion or withdrawal.