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analogy - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of analogy in Hindi

  • समानता
  • सादृश्य
  • अनुरूपता
  • समरूपता
  • उपमान

analogy Definition

  • a comparison between two things, typically on the basis of their structure and for the purpose of explanation or clarification. ( दो चीजों के बीच तुलना, आमतौर पर उनकी संरचना के आधार पर और स्पष्टीकरण या स्पष्टीकरण के उद्देश्य के लिए। )

analogy Example

  • With the aforementioned reasons, the analogy between Aceh and the southern provinces of Thailand is way off the mark and not based on complete facts. ( उपर्युक्त कारणों के साथ, ऐस और थाईलैंड के दक्षिणी प्रांतों के बीच समानता निशान से दूर है और पूर्ण तथ्यों पर आधारित नहीं है। )
  • But for a closer analogy to the DFD situation, we have to move overseas. ( लेकिन DFD की स्थिति के करीब सादृश्य के लिए, हमें विदेशों में जाना होगा। )
  • an analogy between the workings of nature and those of human societies ( प्रकृति और मानव समाज के कामकाज के बीच एक समानता )
  • My apartment is an analogy for my mind. ( मेरा अपार्टमेंट मेरे दिमाग के लिए एक सादृश्य है। )
  • There is a limited analogy between the relation of theology to religious discourse and the relation of logic to language. ( धार्मिक प्रवचन के धर्मशास्त्र और भाषा के तर्क के संबंध के बीच एक सीमित सादृश्य है। )
  • Finally, I think that Wright, who has written a good deal about evolution, is missing a basic evolutionary analogy . ( अंत में, मुझे लगता है कि राइट, जिसने विकास के बारे में एक अच्छा सौदा लिखा है, एक बुनियादी विकासवादी सादृश्य याद कर रहा है। )
  • And that is the closer analogy to what's happening in Iraq. ( और इराक में जो कुछ हो रहा है, उसके करीब सादृश्य है। )

More Sentence

  • To the extent that there is any analogy between Moveon and anything that happened half a century ago, the analogy should be to organized labor more generally.
  • Between the taboo of ‘eating the dead’ and that of eating domestic animals, the analogy between relatives and animals is clear.
  • the syndrome is called deep dysgraphia because of its analogy to deep dyslexia
  • They are created in accordance with a schema - by analogy , as it were, with existing forms.
  • works of art were seen as an analogy for works of nature
  • By analogy with the rock and the feather, think of a heavy warhead and a very light balloon that is inflated in the shape of a warhead; they would also travel along together in space.
  • Husserl insists that the talk of intuition here is no mere analogy .
  • He pointed out the analogy between algebraic symbols and those that represent logical forms.
  • As a law professor, I help train people to argue from analogy and to distinguish among different cases.
  • The artist, in other words, creates by analogy with God, not through copying God's creation.
  • The analogy to the McFarlane case is, admittedly, not exact.
  • The analogy to Gaiman isn't perfect, of course.
  • Yet there's a striking analogy between Smith and the man who is possibly the world's most influential CEO, Warren Buffett.
  • This is the source of scepticism about other minds: how, given that the argument from analogy does not work, can I claim to be justified in believing that there are any minds other than my own in the universe?
  • That is, is there an analogy between the Lebanese Christians, who went from a majority to only 40 percent during the past century, and the Jews in Israel?
  • Abp1 (and by analogy cortactin) also might function to attenuate stronger NPFs in vivo.
  • If there is an analogy between our own age and the Restoration it is perhaps that for us what has been ‘restored’ is capitalist Liberal Democracy.
  • The analogy to the late Carter administration is quite apt.
  • Far from being proof of children's linguistic inadequacy, analogy is a demonstration of their mastery of the core rules of English morphology.
  • argument from analogy
  • In fact - as a percentage of the population - there's basically a direct analogy between the number of gay tax-payers and the number of gay students.
  • I fail to see the analogy between banning a behavior that is being repressed by violence and banning a behavior that is being enforced by violence.
  • It is little wonder that this week, some Bulgarians began to quip about the analogy between the game and the challenges lying ahead of the Stanishev Cabinet.