analogous - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of analogous in Hindi
analogous Definition
- comparable in certain respects, typically in a way that makes clearer the nature of the things compared. ( कुछ मामलों में तुलनीय, आमतौर पर इस तरह से चीजों की प्रकृति को स्पष्ट करता है। )
analogous Example
- An analogous operational definition holds for the heritability of derepressed cells. ( एक अनुरूप संचालन परिभाषा derepressed कोशिकाओं की आनुवंशिकता के लिए रखती है। )
- The moral of that is if we've got a silicone system which is analogous to us in these respects we ought to treat that system as a person too. ( उस का नैतिक यह है कि अगर हमें एक सिलिकॉन सिस्टम मिल गया है, जो इन मामलों में हमारे अनुरूप है तो हमें उस प्रणाली को एक व्यक्ति के रूप में भी व्यवहार करना चाहिए। )
- The act of defining combatants is analogous to the military concept of choosing the terrain of battle. ( युद्ध के इलाके को चुनने की सैन्य अवधारणा के अनुरूप लड़ाकू विमानों को परिभाषित करने का कार्य है। )
- It is suggested that hazardous duties are analogous to combat situations in important respects. ( यह सुझाव दिया जाता है कि खतरनाक कर्तव्य महत्वपूर्ण मामलों में परिस्थितियों का मुकाबला करने के लिए समान हैं। )
- There was no homology between sequenced clones and analogous repeats in potato IGS. ( आलू के IGS में अनुक्रमित क्लोन और अनुरूप दोहराव के बीच कोई होमोलॉजी नहीं थी। )
- He sees the current disease-mapping race as being analogous to the activities of old world explorers. ( वह वर्तमान रोग-मानचित्रण दौड़ को पुरानी दुनिया के खोजकर्ताओं की गतिविधियों के अनुरूप देखता है। )
More Sentence
- This could involve the expression in a yeast mutant, which is defective for an analogous transport system
- Religious writers saw God as being present to the individual in a way that is analogous to the presence of light in the act of seeing.
- An analogous role is played by the PAM complex in mitochondria.
- Paint, ink, paper and canvas are transformed by faith into something analogous to living creatures.
- The proposed system is analogous to the one used for music on the radio, where music stations can play what they like provided they pay the agreed fee.
- In Reader's Block Markson sets up relations that are analogous to both writing and dying.
- While information may be analogous to facts, knowledge is what the body makes of these facts.
- We are already seeing video on demand, analogous to renting a video without traveling to the store.
- What gets masked over is analogous to Cage's idea that what is not heard is just as important as what is heard.
- The question of democracy is in a number of respects analogous to slavery.
- This isn't exactly analogous to getting bad service at a restaurant or club.
- For this reason, the present situation is not analogous to the 1926 situation.
- Some analogous alkyl nitrites, such as amyl nitrite, are known sensitizers in humans.
- This pattern seems analogous to the struggle for a viable business model for the Internet.
- In Director, the stage is analogous to the outermost or whole cinematic frame.
- Counties tend to adopt newer technologies that are analogous to the technology they move away from.
- This is considerably easier if one can show that the nature of the right claimed is analogous to that of some existing easement.
- Using a fantasy woman to extract myself physically from the island is analogous to breaking up and finding someone new.
- This is analogous to the law relating to the fire services and quite close factually to Alexandrou v Oxford.
- The visual material in the book runs parallel to the text, the two relating to one another more analogously than convergently.
- In the geopolitical arena, analogously , we note the explosions resulting from convergence in the outbreak of ‘world wars’.
- Since Arabic and Hebrew have similar sources, one can deduce analogously that in Hebrew also it would have meant brushing away and forgiving sins.
- This is more or less correct (given the obvious uncertainties in long term data from the continental interior), but analogously to the example above, local cooling does not contradict global warming.
- Duncan's comment clarifies my point above in that his ‘distaste’ is for the alienation that would rely on Wright's (or, analogously , Ransom's) moralism to achieve camp pleasure.