amusement - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of amusement in Hindi
- मनोरंजन
- रंग
- आमोद
- मनबहलाव
- आनन्द
- सुख
- आनन्ददान
- विनोद
- विलास
amusement Definition
- the state or experience of finding something funny. ( कुछ अजीब लगने की अवस्था या अनुभव। )
amusement Example
- To the amusement of the class, we grunted and cursed each other out of the sides of our mouths as we both tried to get through the door. ( कक्षा के मनोरंजन के लिए, हमने अपने मुंह के किनारों से एक-दूसरे को समझा और शाप दिया, क्योंकि हम दोनों ने दरवाजे के माध्यम से प्राप्त करने की कोशिश की थी। )
- I was too busy giving thanks for the meal, for the piercing strangeness of truffles, for the rich amusement of the evening. ( मैं भोजन के लिए धन्यवाद देने में व्यस्त था, शाम के समृद्ध मनोरंजन के लिए, ट्रफ़ल्स की भेदी विचित्रता के लिए। )
- When the leisured classes took to skis, though, they did so first for amusement , then for sport. ( जब लीसेक्स्ड क्लासेस स्किस में ले गए, हालांकि, उन्होंने मनोरंजन के लिए पहले ऐसा किया, फिर खेल के लिए। )
- Baggy drag makes no sense at all for a sport played by women for the amusement of other women! ( अन्य महिलाओं के मनोरंजन के लिए महिलाओं द्वारा खेले जाने वाले खेल के लिए बैगी ड्रैग का कोई मतलब नहीं है! )
- Wearing a long white robe he jumped and danced as a large black snake tried to take a bite, all to the amusement of his audience. ( एक लंबी सफेद रस्सी पहने हुए वह कूद गया और एक बड़े काले साँप के रूप में नृत्य किया और अपने दर्शकों के मनोरंजन के लिए एक काटने का प्रयास किया। )
- So, to the amusement of his wife, colleagues and parents he dons his new uniform twice daily, five days a week. ( इसलिए, अपनी पत्नी, सहकर्मियों और माता-पिता के मनोरंजन के लिए, वह अपनी नई वर्दी को दिन में दो बार, सप्ताह में पांच दिन डोन्स करता है। )
- Cassandra looked on in amusement , glad for the momentary diversion. ( कैसंड्रा ने मनोरंजन में देखा, क्षणिक मोड़ के लिए खुश था। )
- Perhaps we should regard his mock battle with him as a harmless diversion, a little fireside amusement for the masses. ( शायद हमें उसके साथ अपनी मॉक लड़ाई को एक हानिरहित मोड़ के रूप में मानना चाहिए, जनता के लिए एक छोटा सा आग का गोला। )
- The incident happened at 1pm yesterday in Whitebirk Road, Whitebirk, Blackburn, much to the amusement of his three colleagues. ( व्हाइटबर्क रोड, व्हाइटबर्क, ब्लैकबर्न में कल दोपहर 1 बजे की घटना, अपने तीन सहयोगियों के मनोरंजन के लिए हुई। )
More Sentence
- ‘She was an amusement , nothing more.’
- we looked with amusement at our horoscopes
- They do what they want to do and have a great time to the amusement of the public - young and old - to the accompaniment of music and lights.
- Having invited her on board for a chat, he refused to let her go until the bus had driven a mile down the road, much to the amusement of his hysterical team-mates.
- We gave our new dictionary a work out to the amusement of the staff.
- Then came the awkward moment when Kathleen realized what she was: an amusement afforded Margaret by her latest dry spell.
- an evening's amusement
- his daughter was an amusement to him
- The first thing I had a go at was the wellie-boot-throwing competition… much to the amusement of all the local farmers - and Anna.
- A deep chuckle emitted from Kyle, showing his amusement at how quickly I could be distracted.
- Such outfits are rarely worn, however, except in association with festivals or for the amusement of tourists.
- The discussion whether they took him seriously or if he was only some kind of exotic amusement for them fills many books.
- Anyway, noses all a-tingle at the prospect of a nice juicy story, we followed in hot pursuit, much to the amusement of passers-by.
- Sturdy scholarship, not idle amusement , is what the book is designed to deliver.
- Barbados is an island rich in forms of entertainment; songs and dance are the chief forms of amusement .
- She sang to a captivated audience and when it came to her final song from Carmen she coyly sat on a gentleman's knee to the amusement of the audience.
- I did not write to you for entertainment, or amusement , or to lord over you the fact that I am a lady.
- I attempt to give Sam a mange bath once a week, and much to the amusement of the neighbours, Sam yelps and drenches me with water.
- A lamp post intervened much to the amusement of the watching public and chagrin of the cameraman.
- It was a centre for recreation and amusement to the members of the Air Force.
- She is an amusement to those she encounters.