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amount - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of amount in Hindi

  • रकम
  • राशि
  • धनराशि
  • परिमाण
  • मात्रा
  • राशी
  • योग
  • रास
  • बराबर होना
  • परिनाम होना

amount Definition


  • a quantity of something, typically the total of a thing or things in number, size, value, or extent. ( किसी चीज़ की मात्रा, आमतौर पर किसी चीज़ या चीज़ की कुल संख्या, आकार, मान या सीमा। )


  • come to be (the total) when added together. ( एक साथ जोड़े जाने पर (कुल) होना। )

amount Example

  • he felt a certain amount of tension ( उन्होंने तनाव की एक निश्चित मात्रा महसूस की )
  • The total amount of sunlight energy over all of the spectrum is important in heating vines and soils. ( सभी स्पेक्ट्रमों पर सूर्य की ऊर्जा की कुल मात्रा, लताओं और मिट्टी को गर्म करने में महत्वपूर्ण है। )
  • you'll never amount to anything ( आप कभी भी कुछ भी नहीं करेंगे )
  • Well, if the universe is flat, this tells us something about the total amount of mass and energy in it. ( खैर, अगर ब्रह्मांड समतल है, तो इससे हमें कुल द्रव्यमान और ऊर्जा के बारे में कुछ पता चलता है। )

More Sentence

  • Will computers make trains so massively more controllable as to amount almost to a new form of transport?
  • One of the joys of working in Manchester is that you can walk from one end to the other in a reasonable amount of time.
  • In places you cannot see the spring shoots which are beginning to peep through because of the amount of rubbish.
  • net amount
  • he didn't mention the loan amount
  • they paid the full amount
  • the sport gives an enormous amount of pleasure to many people
  • This is in total contrast to the amount of walking or exercise involving the use of the legs.
  • Purchases must be fit for their purpose - they should work for a reasonable amount of time.
  • Hopefully my legs will permit a reasonable amount of wandering about places of interest.
  • The extent and the amount of the work involved was not defined in the Contract.
  • What was a reasonable amount of time to wait for a chicken burger to be prepared, anyway?
  • This value is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it receives.
  • the amount payable is more than €10,000
  • they spent a massive amount of money on it
  • The first period totalled up a paltry amount of three genuine opportunities.
  • There is no denying that one of the major causes of obesity is the amount of food that we eat and the portion sizes.
  • The swept volume is the amount of volume that the piston moves through as it moves up and down.
  • sport gives an enormous amount of pleasure to many people
  • Lorries were seen as a particular risk due to their size and the amount of chemicals they could be carrying.
  • he owns any amount of houses
  • If you live in a built-up area, you have to expect a certain amount of noise.
  • they reduced the amount of waste they had
  • he spent a fair amount of time there
  • Also important are the factors that control the total amount of water in the body at any particular time.
  • it takes a large amount of space