among - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of among in Hindi
- के बीच में
- में
- मिलकर
- से घिरा
among Definition
- surrounded by; in the company of. ( से घिरा; की संगत में। )
- being a member or members of (a larger set). ( (एक बड़ा सेट) के सदस्य या सदस्य होने के नाते। )
- occurring in or practiced by (some members of a community). ( (किसी समुदाय के कुछ सदस्यों) द्वारा किया या हो रहा है। )
- indicating a division, choice, or differentiation involving three or more participants. ( तीन या अधिक प्रतिभागियों को शामिल करते हुए एक विभाजन, पसंद या भेदभाव का संकेत। )
among Example
- The agents can talk among themselves to compare and share with each other what they find. ( एजेंट आपस में तुलना करने और एक दूसरे के साथ साझा करने के लिए बात कर सकते हैं कि वे क्या पाते हैं। )
- It was also indicated that the grant will be divided among the six participating institutions. ( यह भी संकेत दिया गया था कि अनुदान को छह प्रतिभागी संस्थानों के बीच विभाजित किया जाएगा। )
- In fact, the Arizona study, based on videotapes, found that jurors do a better job when they talk among themselves as a trial unfolds. ( वास्तव में, वीडियोटेप पर आधारित एरिजोना के अध्ययन में पाया गया कि जुआर एक बेहतर काम करते हैं, जब वे एक परीक्षण के रूप में आपस में बात करते हैं। ) (
- The ecclesiastical fission has led to some tiny island villages being split religiously among as many as five different bodies. ( सनकी विखंडन के कारण कुछ छोटे द्वीप गाँव धार्मिक रूप से विभाजित हो गए हैं और पाँच विभिन्न निकाय हैं। )
More Sentence
- It makes for a dramatic backdrop to explore cuisine of Senegal, Cameroon and Mali, among others.
- wild strawberries hidden among the roots of the trees
- The cliques of politicians who had shared power among themselves so cynically since the Restoration now came under attack.
- There is a great dissatisfaction among the general public regarding the redressal mechanism.
- he's respected among his colleagues
- talk about it among yourselves
- Until they do, council members stand and sip tea or chat among themselves.
- I see the future of Turkey in Europe as a prosperous, tolerant, democratic country among others.
- The scheme involves venues sharing information about troublemakers among themselves and with the police.
- Members using the site can discuss any idea among themselves, and also see which other members have read the idea, and when.
- For the inauguration, they picked a student among the participants to inaugurate the seminar.
- the king called the three princesses to divide his kingdom among them
- There's a growing suspicion among the general public that corruption and fraud is rife.
- She will be among the participants in the swimming competitions.
- she was chosen from among a total of 28 entrants
- he walked about among us
- rooting out abuses among the clergy
- It is a beautiful world situated among endless sands and rocks under an orange sky.
- choosing a privatization scheme from among five models
- At the Fabian Society's summer reception at Westminster he was among friends and looking relaxed and comfortable.
- he's among the twenty actors nominated
- Intending to divide his kingdom among his daughters according to their affection for him, he bids them say which loves him most.
- Working in Sierra Leone, she found horrific decay among the children whose teeth she examined.
- A fatigue has set in among the general public, and the last thing they want to do is to take to streets in the sweltering heat.
- The agreement was initially hailed as providing a boost for tomato and avocado growers, among others.
- The document is now code and the code is now simply one window among others.