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amnesia - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of amnesia in Hindi

  • भूलने की बीमारी
  • स्मृति-शक्ति का लोप
  • शब्दस्मृतिलोप
  • शब्दस्मृतिभ्रंश

amnesia Definition

  • a partial or total loss of memory. ( स्मृति का आंशिक या कुल नुकसान। )

amnesia Example

  • You are going to have to consider the difference between amnesia and automatism. ( आपको भूलने की बीमारी और ऑटोमेटिज्म के बीच अंतर पर विचार करना होगा। )
  • Mixed with alcohol it can cause severe disorientation, amnesia and loss of consciousness. ( शराब के साथ मिश्रित यह गंभीर भटकाव, भूलने की बीमारी और चेतना के नुकसान का कारण बन सकता है। )
  • Total amnesia may also result from a medical operation that goes wrong. ( कुल भूलने की बीमारी एक चिकित्सा ऑपरेशन के परिणामस्वरूप भी हो सकती है जो गलत हो जाती है। )
  • One theory is that he has suffered a trauma which has caused amnesia , one of the methods the mind uses to retreat from a shock. ( एक सिद्धांत यह है कि वह एक आघात का सामना करना पड़ा है जो भूलने की बीमारी का कारण बना है, एक तरीका है जिसे मन सदमे से पीछे हटने के लिए उपयोग करता है। )

More Sentence

  • It covers a range of clinical presentations from identity disorder to amnesia .
  • The deputy either has a very short memory or is suffering from political amnesia .
  • Post-traumatic amnesia is defined as ending when clear and continual memory returns.
  • He slept like a log, his amnesia forgotten, through the morning and the noon.
  • It tells the story of a woman suffering from psychogenic amnesia who wakes up daily with her mind a total blank.
  • If encoding is absent, amnesia will follow, as in the case of many of our dreams.
  • they were suffering from amnesia
  • He was suffering from total amnesia and dementia praecox and was duly incarcerated in an asylum in Rodez in central France.
  • One of the more interesting types of amnesia is what psychiatrists call the fugue state.
  • Another form of potentially blissful ignorance is traumatic amnesia .
  • Reports by patients of memory loss are of the erasing of autobiographical memories or retrograde amnesia .
  • Clearly, if I suffer selective amnesia , forgetting, say, five years of my life, I do not cease to be me.
  • Ordinary forgetfulness that emerges after a trauma must not be confused with amnesia for the trauma.
  • In the wishful shelter of ignorance or amnesia , an abiding melancholy tends to creep into the populace.
  • This period of childhood amnesia is now generally believed to end at about age three or four.
  • He said in cases of defence of amnesia or automatism, the court had to carefully scrutinise all evidence.
  • Were they to be subjected to artificial amnesia to make them forget what they saw and did?
  • Most films make no distinction between amnesic syndromes with a psychiatric basis and those with an underlying neurological cause.
  • While this lighthearted play about a psychotherapist's attempts to cure an amnesiac bartender can certainly be entertaining, it's amateurish.
  • It induces drowsiness and sleep and is powerfully amnestic .
  • We offered a full lunch to two severely amnesic people, who have no memory of having just eaten.
  • Case studies of psychogenic amnesiacs are stranger than anything Hollywood could conjure.
  • One famous amnesiac could not commit anything new to conscious memory from the time of her accident, so, for example, she never recognized her doctor, even though she saw him every day.
  • People who finish residency say that the amnestic process takes them by surprise in how quickly it strikes, and from personal experience I know this to be true, since I can already barely remember what med school was like.
  • The ideal agent possesses analgesic and amnestic properties, has rapid onset and short duration of action, is safe, and allows rapid recovery and discharge.
  • For example, delirium, medication use, and psychiatric illnesses such as amnestic disorders may be associated with cognitive impairment.