Americanize - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of Americanize in Hindi
Americanize Definition
- make American in character or nationality. ( चरित्र या राष्ट्रीयता में अमेरिकी बनाते हैं। )
Americanize Example
- school administrators tried to Americanize the immigrant children ( स्कूल प्रशासकों ने अप्रवासी बच्चों का अमेरिकीकरण करने की कोशिश की )
- trying to Americanize the immigrant children ( अप्रवासी बच्चों का अमेरिकीकरण करने की कोशिश की जा रही है )
- However there are crankier types of an intermediary generation who want to put a stop to the rampant Americanization of France. ( हालांकि एक मध्यस्थ पीढ़ी के क्रैंकियर प्रकार हैं जो फ्रांस के बड़े पैमाने पर अमेरिकीकरण पर रोक लगाना चाहते हैं। )
- So should we rail against Americanisation - or welcome it? ( तो क्या हमें अमेरिकीकरण के खिलाफ रेल करनी चाहिए - या उसका स्वागत करना चाहिए? )
More Sentence
- She said: ‘The Americanisation of British politics arrived in Britain with the Blair Labour leadership election.’
- But if the U.S. team becomes a force to be reckoned with, one can only imagine what the Americanization of soccer might look like.
- Puerto Ricans place a high value on the education of the young; on the island, Americanized public education is compulsory.
- Both symbolized values that were the antithesis of Soviet Marxism and Americanized consumerism.
- So when it comes to promotion of the Americanization of Canada, where does the Alberta government stand?
- In an article in the Guardian, Julian Baggini attributes opposition to the British government's plans to introduce ID cards to an Americanisation of the ideal of liberty.
- On arrival, many Czechs Americanized their last names.
- She never lost her accent no matter how much she was Americanized .
- The first generation retains vivid memories of and fidelity to the traditions of the home country, while their children are increasingly Americanized .
- The research also confirms that the Americanisation of English continues, with terms such as nerd, geek, bad hair day, and 24/7 as common here as they are in the US.
- This identification between globalisation and Americanisation deserves further analysis because it is a source of ambiguities, misunderstandings, and resentment.
- Rather than devoting limited resources and striving to get complex jobs done in a rush, Americans must be willing to integrate themselves into a foreign culture until a full Americanisation has occurred, he writes.
- Can she be Americanized even if she lived in Canada?
- Gradually they were replaced with more Americanized forms of entertainment like motion pictures.
- An extraordinary photo series by Nabil Boutros demonstrates the ways Cairo continues to expand and change in the face of globalization and Americanization .
- Earlier immigrants often discovered with surprise that immigration officials had Americanized their names on the documents that admitted them to the country.
- For reasons of what I suppose is identifiability, Constantine has been Americanized .
- In other words, the two main opposition parties need to come out and state clearly that the Americanisation of Irish society is over.
- It was our Americanized nickname, because we couldn't pronounce his whole name and get anything else done.
- The expressive Yiddish word chutzpah has gained increased currency in Australia in recent years through the steady Americanisation of our culture.
- For instance, the traditional Salvadoran practice of interring bodies in family crypts has recently given way to a more Americanized approach to burying the dead.
- She added: ‘There is a growing Americanisation of our culture which is really unhelpful.’
- According to conventional wisdom, globalization bore more than a passing resemblance to Americanization .
- Asian food is more prominent than it was five years ago and not just the kind that suits Americanized palates.
- Young Mongolians are increasingly abandoning many aspects of their ethnic heritage and are adopting more Americanized attitudes and behavior.
- Sometimes, she had the honor of turning on the Sabbath lights for her neighbors, the Rogarshevskys, who by then had Americanized their name to Rosenthal.