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ambivelent - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of ambivelent in Hindi


  • उभयभावी
  • द्वैधवृत्तिक
  • उभयभावी
  • दो विरोधी मूल्यों या गुणों में से एक या दोनों को धारण करने वाला

ambivelent Definition


  • having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.

ambivelent Example

  • The novel was an interesting read, full of dark imagery and ambivalent characters. ( उपन्यास एक दिलचस्प पठन था, अंधेरे कल्पना और उभयलिंगी पात्रों से भरा था। )
  • Some of his friends were confident in their plans for after college, but Zack felt ambivalent about his future. (उसके कुछ दोस्त कॉलेज के बाद अपनी योजनाओं को लेकर आश्वस्त थे, लेकिन ज़ैक अपने भविष्य को लेकर दुविधा में था।  )
  • Babysitters should understand that parents often have ambivalent feelings about leaving their children with a babysitter. (बेबीसिटर्स को यह समझना चाहिए कि माता-पिता अक्सर अपने बच्चों को दाई के साथ छोड़ने के बारे में अस्पष्ट भावनाएँ रखते हैं।  ) 
  • I must have acquired ambivalent attitude towards women from her. ( मैंने उनसे महिलाओं के प्रति उभयलिंगी रवैया हासिल किया होगा। )

More Sentence

  • Her distaste has since evolved into ambivalent fascination.
  • Yet water is strangely ambivalent in human experience.
  • Enlil had an ambivalent attitude to mankind.
  • Even though Thomas has proposed to his girlfriend, he is ambivalent about going through with the ceremony.  
  • Chutra seemed ambivalent about the perpetually gathering crowds.
  • These ambivalent feelings are transferred to the gods.
  • He was greeted with ambivalent enthusiasm.
  •  We find in Charles, however(sentencedict.com),[sentencedict .com] an ambivalent attitude.
  • But the public mood is more ambivalent.
  • As a consumer I am more ambivalent.
  • Rebecca was ambivalent with her decision to go on the weekend trip because of the work she had to complete.
  • You need to look scared, not ambivalent.