ambivalent - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of ambivalent in Hindi
- उभयभावी
- द्वैधवृत्तिक
- दो विरोधी मूल्यों या गुणों में से एक या दोनों को धारण करने वाला
ambivalent Definition
- having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone. ( किसी चीज या किसी के बारे में मिश्रित भावना या विरोधाभासी विचार रखना। )
ambivalent Example
- We have been, as devoted readers can attest, mostly ambivalent on the marriage issue. ( हम समर्पित पाठकों के रूप में विवाह के मुद्दे पर अधिक से अधिक महत्वाकांक्षी हो सकते हैं। )
- Their attitude to Hale is ambivalent at best and I suspect that it is actively hostile. ( हेल के लिए उनका रवैया सबसे अच्छा है और मुझे संदेह है कि यह सक्रिय रूप से शत्रुतापूर्ण है। )
- Not surprisingly, therefore, our attitude to mobile phones is ambivalent . ( आश्चर्य की बात नहीं है, इसलिए, मोबाइल फोन के लिए हमारा रवैया अस्पष्ट है। )
- Newspapers previously ambivalent to him are now grudgingly behind him. ( पहले उसके प्रति उभरे समाचार पत्र अब उसके पीछे बड़ी मुश्किल से हैं। )
More Sentence
- I don't think there's another band in existence capable of producing such an ambivalent reaction in me.
- To me, this is an example of our somewhat ambivalent attitudes towards medical care in general.
- I'm actually starting to feel positive about the upcoming test, as opposed to mildly ambivalent .
- In practice, we have managed to do better than our ambivalent attitudes suggest.
- Being ambivalent herself, Vowell agrees this might be what attracts her to Canada.
- His assessment of the future of composition in America is ambivalent .
- They are sometimes ambivalent , but that is a different matter altogether.
- In some ways they have coveted each other, and yet the economic relationship between the two remains ambivalent .
- Yet, as with all such situations, we feel ambivalent when we consider this factor.
- He also said Mr O'Brien was ambivalent on the role of the banks connected with the consortium.
- I know it pains him that he hasn't seen me grow up and that, now, I seem ambivalent about our relationship.
- Those sentiments are a far cry from her early years when she had an altogether more ambivalent attitude towards her singing.
- I reject totally any statement by the opposition that we have in some way been ambivalent .
- I wanted a book that showed us how ambiguous we are, or how ambivalent we are.
- To say that councillors are ambivalent about the idea is an understatement.
- He said that he knew of many parents who supported his stance although there were others who disagreed or were ambivalent .
- Both were deeply but ambivalently bonded with their male sidekicks and, to both, women were simultaneously a lure and a threat.
- Clifford looks forward ambivalently to the day when such concerns will not be his.
- Montgomerie is equally tentative, possibly because he senses Kidd's ambivalence .
- Harry's relationship with his mother was classified as ambivalently attached.
- In the past, I might have struggled to join in, concealing my ambivalence with uncertain assertions.
- My ambivalence over speaking at the funeral was compounded when dad asked if I would do a scripture reading.
- There is deep British ambivalence about openly acknowledging this.
- His stage plays, however, have all been placed in a contemporary setting, in which the myth-making is not nearly so straightforward, and the tone characteristically hovers ambivalently between celebration and satire.
- At every stage, ambivalence and indecision has meant that decisions were forced upon them by events on the ground.
- The first of these is aesthetic, the second political, but both inform her ambivalently negative attitudes towards still photography.