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amalgamation - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of amalgamation in Hindi

  • मिश्रण
  • समामेलन
  • एकीकरण
  • मिलाव
  • संयोजन
  • पारद-मिश्रण

amalgamation Definition

  • the action, process, or result of combining or uniting. ( संयोजन या एकजुट करने की क्रिया, प्रक्रिया या परिणाम। )

amalgamation Example

  • the threat of amalgamation with another college ( एक अन्य कॉलेज के साथ समामेलन का खतरा )
  • an amalgamation of two separate companies ( दो अलग-अलग कंपनियों का एक समामेलन )
  • There is a national procedure for amalgamations involving a joint managerial body and provision for a set of discussions leading to preferences for amalgamation . ( एक संयुक्त प्रबंधकीय निकाय में समामेलन के लिए एक राष्ट्रीय प्रक्रिया है और समामेलन के लिए वरीयताओं के लिए चर्चा के एक सेट का प्रावधान है। )
  • the threat of amalgamation with a competitor ( एक प्रतियोगी के साथ समामेलन का खतरा )

More Sentence

  • And yet at the same time, the death of a language takes with it a disappearance of a culture, amalgamations which ultimately limit the diversity in the way we communicate and the way we think.
  • The first priority will be to protect Leichhardt council against further amalgamations .
  • Nobody would be in a position to give other than a personal view on what might happen if you engaged, for example, in amalgamations of these various bodies.
  • That presumably means potential closures or amalgamations .
  • By 1928, again through the process of absorptions and amalgamations , there came to be only 12 factories.
  • If there is one argument against amalgamations , this is it.
  • Clearly, the impact of mergers and amalgamations on employees in both the acquiring and the acquired organizations requires greater attention on the part of researchers given the recent trends.
  • All of these will be automatically assimilated into the new school, but as is the practice with all school amalgamations , an enhanced early retirement scheme will be on offer.
  • Soon after the club went out of existence and did not return to competitive fare again until 1940 when the club was reformed following a number of amalgamations within the parish.
  • Emslie admits that no-one is sure how the industry will evolve and that mergers, acquisitions and amalgamations are on the horizon.
  • The job losses are a combined result of school amalgamations , closures and budget shortfalls across both the primary and secondary sector.
  • How do communities stay intact in the midst of the hurricane of forced political amalgamations , wider bureaucratic policies and gigantic conglomerates?
  • But Moloney is opposed to mergers or amalgamations .
  • There are implications here too for areas with falling numbers and proposals for school amalgamations or closures.
  • By that time it was halfway into reorganising itself for April 2001 into 42 new areas, eight of which were amalgamations needing new budgets and plans.
  • The number of religious secondary schools has fallen from 472 to 380 in 15 years, mainly due to closures and amalgamations .
  • There will be some amalgamations - some are already in train.
  • We will fight for these cuts to be reversed and for no amalgamations .
  • Mr. Forde said that experience in Ireland and abroad did not confirm that large scale amalgamations of cooperatives were a guarantee of successful future development or of clear benefit to shareholders.