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always - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of always in Hindi

  • हमेशा
  • सदैव
  • सदा
  • सर्वदा
  • निरन्तर
  • हरदम
  • नित्य
  • लगातार

always Definition

  • at all times; on all occasions. ( हर समय; सभी अवसरों पर। )
  • as a last resort; failing all else. ( एक अंतिम उपाय के रूप में; बाकी सब फेल। )

always Example

  • I thought she'd always be with us ( मुझे लगा कि वह हमेशा हमारे साथ रहेगी )
  • As a last resort you could always throw out the computer, but could you survive without eBay? ( अंतिम उपाय के रूप में आप हमेशा कंप्यूटर को बाहर फेंक सकते हैं, लेकिन क्या आप ईबे के बिना जीवित रह सकते हैं? )
  • Their experimentation in the past always appeared to work by accident rather than by design. ( अतीत में उनका प्रयोग हमेशा डिजाइन के बजाय दुर्घटना से काम करता दिखाई दिया। )
  • Failing that, they can always use some insulating tape and chewing gum to hold the spaghetti together. ( असफल होना, वे हमेशा कुछ इन्सुलेट टेप और चबाने वाली गम का उपयोग कर सकते हैं ताकि स्पेगेटी को एक साथ पकड़ सकें। )
  • if the marriage doesn't work out, we can always get divorced ( अगर शादी नहीं हुई तो हम हमेशा तलाक ले सकते हैं )

More Sentence

  • you could always switch the phone off
  • Whatever the future holds, Strasser will always have his high-profile past to relish.
  • it was always going to be a challenge
  • Then there was the obligatory annoying kid that you always get in these movies.
  • Traffic problems should not be allowed spoil what is always a truly great occasion.
  • Because of the astronomical position of Mercury, it is always close to the Sun.
  • Liam had always been the annoying kid next door who my mother constantly nagged me to be nice to.
  • We had a set of best clothes for Sundays and special occasions and always wore a hat to church.
  • This thing can never be forsaken; keep this always and forever in your mind.
  • Occupying powers always resort to such methods to subdue resistance to their rule.
  • War should in any case always be a last resort in settling an international conflict.
  • The defeat he always insisted was inevitable has come and gone and cost Celtic nothing.
  • They had always had some past cricketer who would tour and be the manager.
  • There will always be something missing from a game played on this surface.
  • The sun always shines on this side of the hills but the beech trees give lots of shade.
  • But his weakness as a human being will always prevent him from rising to the pinnacle of greatness.
  • Pannal to their credit maintained a positive attitude throughout and were always on the lookout for goals.
  • They are always referring to my past, but honestly I never think about that night in Munich any more.
  • There may be more television work in the future, but there will always be football.
  • she was as friendly as always
  • There's something that always seems to be missed when talking about re-design.
  • Before there was always something missing that prevented the analogy from being complete.
  • I suppose some would call it a woman's book which always sounds a bit derogatory to me.
  • In the past, I've always known every summer what I'm going to be doing the following season.
  • Remember those days and evenings when the sun always shone and cricket was the only game in town?