alumna - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of alumna in Hindi
alumna Definition
- a female graduate or former student of a particular school, college, or university. ( एक महिला स्नातक या एक विशेष स्कूल, कॉलेज, या विश्वविद्यालय के पूर्व छात्र। )
alumna Example
- An alumna of Bishop Cotton Girls' High School, her talents won her the status of suave scholar. ( बिशप कॉटन गर्ल्स हाई स्कूल की एक अलुम्ना, उनकी प्रतिभा ने उन्हें सुसाइड विद्वान का दर्जा दिलाया। )
- the University of Ottawa alumna was in Japan ( ओटावा विश्वविद्यालय का अलुमना जापान में था )
- I am a proud alumna of the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University. ( मैं मैक्सवेल स्कूल ऑफ सिटिजनशिप एंड पब्लिक अफेयर्स का गर्व अल्युम्ना हूँ सिरैक्यूज़ विश्वविद्यालय में। )
- Usually it is not a matter of controversy when a distinguished alumna returns to her alma mater to address former mentors and current students. ( आमतौर पर यह विवाद का विषय नहीं है जब एक प्रतिष्ठित अलुम्ना पूर्व आकाओं और वर्तमान छात्रों को संबोधित करने के लिए अपने अल्मा मेटर में लौटती है। )
More Sentence
- Another girl, an alumna of the school, now makes promotional films for institutes such as this centre.
- The keynote speaker, an Iowa State alumna , said information technology is the most important contributor to growth.
- One alumna won a summer scholarship to the Alvin Ailey School.
- The gift from the alumna will be used to create scholarships and student aid awards to deserving students who pursue careers in health education and music.
- As an alumna of Northwestern University, I was disappointed that my alma mater was not listed.
- The descendant was also an alumna of the school, and she agreed to donate samples of her blood for the project.
- For some years Merrill served as an alumna trustee of Wellesley College.
- An alumna and former employee of the university, she earned her doctorate at Nova Southeastern University.
- She is an alumna of the Yale School of Art and the Whitney Independent Study Program.
- The core of any marketing strategy for new physicists is to bring alumnae and alumni into direct contact with students and faculty.
- They work in recruiting and outreach programs and keep in touch with alumni and alumnae .
- I have achieved those goals, and it is now my desire to rejoin the ranks of alumnae who serve the college in innumerable ways.
- He was given a tour and expressed his happiness that so many alumnae were attending Oxford.
- Naturally, one of its most important sources is the school's alumnae .
- But what has the college done to keep other alumnae interested?
- It was one of the reasons I ceased to be an active member or join any of the alumnae groups after I graduated.
- Some alumnae also criticized Collins for removing the college's mission statement from its website.