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also-ran - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of also-ran in Hindi

  • भी दौड़ा
  • ऐसे व्यक्ति जो को‍ई विशिष्टता प्राप्त करने में असफल रहे हों

also-ran Definition

  • a loser in a race or contest, especially by a large margin. ( एक दौड़ या प्रतियोगिता में एक हारे हुए, विशेष रूप से एक बड़े अंतर से। )

also-ran Example

  • I'm in 170th place and 44 minutes behind the winner: to call me an also-ran would be flattery. ( मैं 170 वें स्थान पर हूं और विजेता से 44 मिनट पीछे हूं: मुझे फोन करने के लिए भी दौड़ना चापलूसी होगी। )
  • Even when he excelled at his favourite hobby of banger racing he was an also-ran , a man with a reputation of being shy, introverted and insignificant. ( यहां तक कि जब उन्होंने बैंगर रेसिंग के अपने पसंदीदा शौक में उत्कृष्ट प्रदर्शन किया, तो वह भी एक भाग गया, एक व्यक्ति जो शर्मीला, अंतर्मुखी और महत्वहीन था। )
  • Once the undisputed premier provider of law enforcement handguns to America, the company found itself an also-ran in a few short years. ( एक बार अमेरिका में कानून प्रवर्तन के निर्विवाद प्रमुख प्रदाता, कंपनी ने खुद को कुछ ही वर्षों में एक-दौड़ा भी पाया। )
  • Uncle Rico lives in a trailer and is stuck in the past, reliving his glory days as a football also-ran by videoing himself throwing balls. ( चाचा रिको एक ट्रेलर में रहता है और अतीत में फंस गया है, एक फुटबॉल के रूप में अपने गौरव के दिनों को राहत देते हुए खुद को गेंदों को फेंकते हुए वीडियो भी चला रहा है। )

More Sentence

  • In the audio system, carbody electronics and instrument cluster sectors, the company has been strong in Europe but an also-ran in North America.
  • He revealed the secrets to making sure your runner beans are not also-rans : ‘Attention to detail, getting the right variety, good soil, and a lot of hard work.’
  • It promises to find out which memories hit home and which fell by the wayside and to sort the champions from the also-rans with a final round of quick fire general knowledge.
  • However, two years is a very short time in which to turn a team of also-rans into possible World Champions.
  • It could happen this time around, with four, five or six also-rans in each major league clutching at the last straw in the closing weeks.
  • We started imitating rather than innovating and wound up making faux American also-rans .
  • Instead of reloading for championship runs, the also-rans in the East are looking at the examples set by the Nets, Pistons and Celtics - that the road to revival in the East somehow is filled with shortcuts.
  • The Nationalists took heart, however, from the fact that Scotland's other smaller parties look destined to be also-rans in May's contest and insisted there is still all to play for.
  • Schumacher joined Ferrari in 1996 and turned them from also-rans to unbeatable world champions within just four seasons, and could help them secure their sixth consecutive world title on Sunday.
  • We have a few champions and a multitude of also-rans ; we have winners and losers; and we associate excellence with the former and mediocrity with the latter.
  • Throughout his 13-year career, Taylor was a marauding, intimidating presence who helped transform the Giants from also-rans into champions.
  • Armstrong has reduced the Tour into a race for also-rans .
  • The event is also lucrative for the also-rans , with even the eighth-placed horse earning £25,000.
  • This Saturday's game - and we can leave Italy out of any Six Nations equation - is a race for the also-rans , the contest for an elliptical wooden utensil, the championship's booby prize.
  • Sure, but try existing in the basement where there is little appreciation of the efforts of the back-markers and also-rans , some of whom train just as hard as the winners.
  • So what are the key factors that separate the million-dollar winners from the also-rans ?
  • Otherwise, the most talked about racing career since that of Lester Piggott has been peppered with a couple of Derby thirds, and lots of also-rans .
  • Don't decry their initial efforts, but in the end they were reduced to the role of also-rans in a two-horse race.
  • Their privately-schooled counterparts had nudged them into the league of also-rans .
  • After retiring in 1954, he took over as manager at Ipswich Town turning the small town club from Division Three also-rans to Division One champions in 1962.
  • Every time, they would end up among the also-rans of the National Basketball Association.
  • This is what separates the champions from the also-rans .