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also - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of also in Hindi

  • भी
  • और
  • तथा
  • सथ ही
  • साथ ही

also Definition

  • in addition; too. ( के अतिरिक्त; भी। )

also Example

  • We are also seeing a major increase in crime and we want to know what is going to be done. ( हम अपराध में भी बड़ी वृद्धि देख रहे हैं और हम जानना चाहते हैं कि क्या होने जा रहा है। )
  • dyslexia, also known as word blindness ( डिस्लेक्सिया, जिसे अंधापन शब्द के रूप में भी जाना जाता है )
  • There will also be a new sign at the front of the building, which will be lit up at nights. ( भवन के सामने एक नया चिन्ह भी होगा, जो रात में जलाया जाएगा। )
  • they're not only our neighbours but also our friends ( वे न केवल हमारे पड़ोसी हैं, बल्कि हमारे मित्र भी हैं )

More Sentence

  • It now seems the man himself could also be coming to recognise that the game may be up.
  • We also got a batch of smiley badges made up, and gave them to everyone at the door on the way in.
  • dyslexia, also known as word-blindness
  • He also had a drumstick stuck into the laces of his shoe so he could hit the cymbal on the floor.
  • It is also good for me to hear their side of things, to hear what they had to go through.
  • also, a car's very expensive to run
  • It may come as a bit of a surprise to know that I also have a keen interest in language.
  • a brilliant linguist, he was also interested in botany
  • it's also called the Kingdom
  • we have three and they also have three
  • She also asks them how they want to feel so she can decide which type of massage to offer.
  • It makes an ideal gift and is also a great present for a child as it grows so quickly.
  • also, a car is very expensive to run
  • We also managed to get a big chunk of Christmas shopping out of the way at the weekend.
  • It looks as if the second will also be yellow, while the third has yet to show any buds.
  • It was also so cold to drive in the winter that I had to wear gloves even when the roof was up.
  • he also said he'd win the race
  • She also had the gift of being able to reinvent herself every time she took up her pen.
  • It also means the staff do not have to put up with going home smelling like an ashtray.
  • There was also about a foot of snow outside, and the air was white as it went on falling.
  • It could have been a bigger win, but on the other hand could also have been a lot worse.
  • he also plays football
  • Neighbours told us that an excursion to the town by boat also makes for a good day out.
  • The second group was also exposed to the noise but not given the option to turn it off.
  • He was also not put off by the very grown up thought of having to set up his own business.
  • also, it's just too expensive