aloof - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of aloof in Hindi
aloof Definition
- not friendly or forthcoming; cool and distant. ( अनुकूल या आगामी नहीं; शांत और दूर। )
aloof Example
- Napoleon appears most distant and aloof in his demeanour when considered from his right side, from which point the eyes are least visible. ( नेपोलियन अपने दायीं ओर से विचार करते समय अपने आचरण में सबसे दूर और अलग दिखाई देता है, जहाँ से आँखें कम से कम दिखाई देती हैं। )
- She was raised to be an aristocrat from birth, and had lived in luxury aloof from the world at large. ( वह जन्म से ही कुलीन होने के लिए पली-बढ़ी थी, और बड़े पैमाने पर दुनिया से आलीशान कोठरी में रहती थी। )
- We keep our distance, lower our expectations, stay cool, aloof , and separate. ( हम अपनी दूरी बनाए रखते हैं, अपनी उम्मीदों को कम करते हैं, शांत रहते हैं, अलग रहते हैं, और अलग होते हैं। )
- He will also strictly keep aloof from their activities if they try to scuttle the success of another star's film. ( यदि वे किसी अन्य स्टार की फिल्म की सफलता को कम करने की कोशिश करते हैं, तो वे भी उनकी गतिविधियों से सख्ती से दूर रहेंगे। )
More Sentence
- He didn't explain how he persuaded them not to remain aloof from his experimental interventions.
- And likewise, I try to remain a little distant and aloof , and not reveal too much of myself and my ditziness.
- No, you keep yourself aloof from the free designer clothes and parties with royalty of the celebrity culture.
- Sometimes he seemed on edge, about ready to explode at her in anger, but there were also times that he could be cool and aloof .
- Michael did not suffer fools gladly and could seem aloof and distant at times, but this was his rather old-world formality.
- He was much more approachable with his cool, aloof expression replaced by a mild, slightly humorous smirk.
- They cannot stay aloof from politics or business and simultaneously be political and entrepreneurial.
- Mennonites and their cousins, the Amish, generally stayed aloof from politics.
- People who had not attended any of the prior gatherings came and while some were friendly, others were aloof .
- He was the watcher, aloof from the passions around him while others lived it.
- The two souls, deeply attached to each other, stand aloof from other members of the family.
- He encouraged his writers to remain slightly aloof from the world they were covering.
- The man seemed to have grasped the essence of standing aloof from worldly anxieties and vexations.
- He's so aloof and distant that it somehow draws people to him.
- Lewis, charming and avuncular, is far easier to relate to than the aloof and distant Freud.
- His mind does not remain aloof from the page, it enters the page and is absorbed in it, because it is not blocked by the ego.
- The so-called modern society has kept itself aloof from this feeling.
- He's like Han Solo in Armani, ultra cool, aloof and with a sardonic put down for every occasion.
- When he first came into the job, he was viewed as cool, aloof and intelligent.
- Dominic had held himself aloof from everyone, wounding them in the process.
- Such a phenomenon is often perceived with greater clarity by those aloof from it.
- It is all becoming too complicated and so most subscribers prefer to keep themselves aloof from the row for now and watch serials in peace.
- For the remainder of the night, she was very quiet, much to her friends' protests for being aloof and distant.
- Ministers stayed aloof from the groups they had worked with in opposition.
- Tessa's tone was cool and aloof , but Rogers could sense the apprehensive undertone.
- It is to her credit that she has managed to stay aloof from such obvious labelling.