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allergen - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of allergen in Hindi

  • एलर्जी पैदा करने वाला तत्व
  • प्रत्यूर्जतोत्पादक पदार्थ

allergen Definition

  • a substance that causes an allergic reaction. ( एक पदार्थ जो एलर्जी की प्रतिक्रिया का कारण बनता है। )

allergen Example

  • Gradually your body learns to accept the allergen as the harmless substance it is. ( धीरे-धीरे आपका शरीर एलर्जेन को हानिकारक पदार्थ के रूप में स्वीकार करना सीख जाता है। )
  • Whether your eczema is due to an irritant, such as detergent, or due to an allergen , such as nickel, care and treatment of your skin is the same. ( चाहे आपका एक्जिमा किसी चिड़चिड़ाहट के कारण हो, जैसे डिटर्जेंट, या एलर्जीन के कारण, जैसे आपकी त्वचा की निकेल, देखभाल और उपचार एक ही है। )
  • Your allergic reaction happens when your body's immune system mistakes the allergen for a harmful invader. ( आपकी एलर्जी की प्रतिक्रिया तब होती है जब आपके शरीर की प्रतिरक्षा प्रणाली एक हानिकारक आक्रमणकारी के लिए एलर्जेन की गलती करती है। )
  • Once a person is sensitized to an allergen or chemical, he or she may develop asthma. ( एक बार किसी व्यक्ति को एलर्जीन या रसायन के प्रति संवेदनशील होने के बाद, उसे अस्थमा हो सकता है। )

More Sentence

  • The next time you're exposed to the allergen , your immune system launches an allergic reaction.
  • The rash usually clears if the allergen is no longer in contact with the skin, but recurs with any slight contact with it again.
  • He faxed his two-page assessment to the Ministry of Agriculture warning that tests into nutritional performance, toxicology or allergenicity were insufficient and inadequate.
  • During allergy seasons, the local news broadcasts usually tell you what allergens are in the air.
  • It is well known that vacuum cleaner bags capture large particles but can emit allergens that are too small to be collected in the bag.
  • First, allergic reactions are caused by allergens , the three most common ones being dust and mites, pollen and nuts.
  • Your doctor may take tests to see what allergens are causing the hay fever symptoms.
  • If you take away the allergens that were driving it initially, the inflammation is likely to continue.
  • Research from Southampton hospital indicates that the house dust mite is the biggest allergenic trigger of asthma.
  • Eliminate any known allergens such as certain foods, dust, or pet dander from your household.
  • The goal is to desensitize you to specific allergens and decrease your need for medications.
  • Future exposure to the same allergens will cause the reaction to happen again.
  • Avoid things that could make symptoms worse, such as air pollution and allergens .
  • In such an enclosed environment, allergens from one food can spread to another.
  • If allergens in the air are an asthma trigger, pollutants can make the lungs even more sensitive to them.
  • We also asked the subjects about their activities outside the workplace - particularly any activity that might involve contact with irritants or allergenic agents.
  • They were recognized for their development of an animal model to predict the allergenicity of genetically modified food.
  • The genetic engineering of food creates two separate and serious health risks involving allergenicity .
  • Allergies are caused by the body's immune system reacting to allergens as if they were harmful.
  • Many people choose to avoid milk because it contains saturated fat (if whole milk), cholesterol, allergenic proteins, lactose and frequent traces of contamination.
  • It may be difficult to eliminate all the allergens; but the goal is to develop strains with reduced allergenicity .
  • The fact is that, at least in the UK, the GM crops are tested for toxicity and other allergenic effects more stringently than almost anywhere else.
  • Many questions concerning toxicity and allergenicity have been raised about corn contaminated with the spores of this fungus.
  • Roasting peanuts may enhance their allergenic properties.
  • Substances that are normally harmless could act as allergens and trigger a reaction in certain people.