all-time - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of all-time in Hindi
- पूरा समय
all-time Definition
unsurpassed. ( नायाब )
all-time Example
- He apparently made one of the all-time grand exits, throwing fistfuls of salt in all the sauces on his way out. ( उन्होंने स्पष्ट रूप से सभी तरह के भव्य निकासों में से एक बनाया, अपने रास्ते से सभी सॉस में मुट्ठी भर नमक फेंक दिया। )
- So I waited and waited and dreamed up my all-time favourite festival line-up. ( इसलिए मैंने इंतजार किया और इंतजार किया और अपने सभी पसंदीदा पसंदीदा त्योहार लाइन-अप का सपना देखा। )
- Dolly had better luck with Cat Stevens, one of her all-time favourite singers. ( डॉली ने अपने सभी समय के पसंदीदा गायकों में से एक, कैट स्टीवंस के साथ बेहतर भाग्य आजमाया। )
- I once heard that a majority of the world's all-time top 100 inventions were British. ( मैंने एक बार सुना था कि दुनिया के सभी शीर्ष 100 आविष्कारों में से अधिकांश ब्रिटिश थे। )
More Sentence
- Across the Western world, church membership has hit an all-time low over the past 10 years.
- This year the number of brands associated with films has hit an all-time high.
- Before the cancellation of last year's show, horse and pony entries were running at an all-time high.
- A strong tackler with outstanding awareness, he is one of the Italian game's all-time greats.
- I like trying new perfumes all the time, so I don't have one absolute all-time favourite.
- These people have obviously never heard of Edward Gorey, one of my all-time favorite cartoonists.
- Public trust and confidence in politicians has now arguably reached an all-time low.
- It would be such an honor to have your all-time favorite actress play you in a movie.
- The title of this article came to me while watching one of my all-time favourite films with my young son.
- His all-time favourite hat, however, was one bearing his own face, modelled last year by Alek Wek.
- With proper mushy peas and fresh bread and butter, this is one of my all-time favourite meals.
- I set the all-time record for most days on vacation in any one year period.
- Ever distinctive and elegant, the pintail is one of my all-time favourites.
- So, with all the votes in, which iconic vehicle have you crowned as your all-time favourite movie car?
- And it's not just among young people that involvement in politics seems to be at an all-time low.
- Stars from Paul Weller to Will Young list their all-time Motown favourites.