alkaline - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of alkaline in Hindi
- क्षारीय
- क्षारविशिष्ट
- खार के गुण वाला
- क्षार के गुणवाला
alkaline Definition
- having the properties of an alkali, or containing alkali; having a pH greater than 7. ( क्षार के गुणों से युक्त, या क्षार युक्त; 7 से अधिक पीएच होना। )
alkaline Example
- As the soil solution becomes more alkaline availability increases. ( जैसे-जैसे मिट्टी का घोल अधिक क्षारीय होता जाता है उपलब्धता बढ़ती जाती है। )
- The alkaline properties of bicarbonate of soda can also be used to soften the skins of beans and other pulses. ( सोडा के बाइकार्बोनेट के क्षारीय गुणों का उपयोग फलियों और अन्य दालों की खाल को नरम करने के लिए भी किया जा सकता है। )
- Manganese deficiency is a common disorder on alkaline soils while its toxicity normally only occurs on strongly acid soils. ( मैंगनीज की कमी क्षारीय मिट्टी पर एक आम विकार है, जबकि इसकी विषाक्तता आम तौर पर केवल अम्लीय मिट्टी पर होती है। )
- If these alkaline solutions don't remove all the oil, you can try a solvent. ( यदि ये क्षारीय समाधान सभी तेल नहीं निकालते हैं, तो आप एक विलायक की कोशिश कर सकते हैं। )
More Sentence
- Values between 7 and 14 are found in basic or alkaline solutions such as caustic or washing soda.
- Soluble acid invertase and alkaline invertase were assayed as described previously with some modifications.
- They may be seen as intermediate between primary alkaline manganese cells and rechargeable Ni-Cd cells.
- Decontamination includes washing the skin with alkaline soap and then ethanol.
- Liquid bleach used in the laundry is an alkaline solution of hypochlorite ion.
- This process requires soil aeration and a neutral or alkaline soil environment.
- The primary active ingredients are aluminum salts such as alkaline aluminum chloride.
- Some alkaline solutions may neutralise it but it will play havoc with the base salts.
- The wood chips are placed in the digester and are cooked in a highly corrosive alkaline solution.
- Boxwoods prefer slightly acid to slightly alkaline soil and do very well when planted in early fall.
- They contain a non-toxic alkaline emulsifying chemical which has an immediate cooling effect on the oil
- In addition to being acid and alkaline , soil can also be sandy or clay.
- This liquid should be an alkaline chemical solution with a PH of more than 7.
- The precipitate is then treated with acetic acid and an alkaline material.
- So the demineralization seems to have been in a slightly alkaline solution, not acid.
- On the valley floor, freshwater and alkaline soda lakes support a staggering array of birdlife.
- Loss of carbon dioxide increases alkalinity and causes a slight diminution in the protein content of the egg.
- Bicarbonate is a measure of the alkalinity of of the body's tissues.
- Its mild alkalinity works to turn up fatty acids contained in dirt and grease into a form of soap that can be dissolved in water and rinsed easily.
- The sulfite provides sufficient alkalinity to activate and maintain the developing process, and in addition acts as a solvent.
- Precipitating water softeners increase alkalinity of the cleaning solution and this may damage skin and other materials being cleaned.