algebra - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of algebra in Hindi
algebra Definition
- the part of mathematics in which letters and other general symbols are used to represent numbers and quantities in formulae and equations. ( गणित का वह भाग जिसमें सूत्रों और समीकरणों में संख्याओं और मात्राओं का प्रतिनिधित्व करने के लिए अक्षरों और अन्य सामान्य प्रतीकों का उपयोग किया जाता है। )
algebra Example
- Pierre went on to study the latest mathematics, in particular studying algebra and geometry. ( पियरे ने नवीनतम गणित का अध्ययन किया, विशेष रूप से बीजगणित और ज्यामिति का अध्ययन किया। )
- Ernst Schröder's important work is in the area of algebra , set theory and logic. ( अर्नस्ट श्रोडर का महत्वपूर्ण कार्य बीजगणित, समुच्चय सिद्धांत और तर्क के क्षेत्र में है। )
- The mathematical topics that Delone studied include algebra , the geometry of numbers. ( डेलोन ने जिन गणितीय विषयों का अध्ययन किया उनमें बीजगणित, संख्याओं की ज्यामिति शामिल हैं। )
- It was an exciting time with increasing mathematical activity in algebra . ( बीजगणित में गणितीय गतिविधि बढ़ाने के साथ यह एक रोमांचक समय था। )
More Sentence
- The book contained the elements of geometry and algebra in addition to the calculus.
- Wall's research is mostly in the area of geometric topology and related algebra .
- It is devoted mainly to arithmetic and algebra , with just a few problems on geometry and mensuration.
- He worked on algebra and graph theory, combining the two to produce his first outstanding contribution to matroid theory.
- courses in algebra, geometry, and Newtonian physics
- I do not doubt that this is the most important work on general algebra that the Annalen has ever published.
- He had a distinguished career as a math professor, specializing in algebra , algebraic geometry and number theory.
- Aitken's mathematical work was in statistics, numerical analysis, and algebra .
- In short, his interest in classical algebra and number theory brought him to abstract semigroups.
- algebra problem
- They are the basis of mathematical logic, which in turn gives rise to Boolean algebra .
- He wrote several books on arithmetic, algebra , geometry and astronomy.
- We have looked briefly at Zorn's contributions to algebra and to set theory.
- Mill only deals with geometry, arithmetic, and some algebra , not the branches of higher mathematics.
- He failed in his application for the chair of algebra and number theory at Uppsala University.
- Among his many mathematical achievements can be included profound discoveries in logic, algebra and differential equations.
- It is time to take a look at this most outstanding work on algebra in Greek mathematics
- König worked on a wide range of topics in algebra , number theory, geometry, set theory, and analysis.
- He also made very substantial contributions to nonassociative algebras, in particular Lie algebras and Jordan algebras .
- The very next year the note ‘Subsumption of Boolean algebras under the theory of rings’ appeared in the same journal.
- Wedderburn made important advances in the theory of rings, algebras and matrix theory.
- His mathematical publications started in 1964 with a series of papers on topological algebras, measure algebras and Banach algebras .
- Problems such as these still seem to present a formidable challenge to the ingenuity of algebraists .
- Even for propositional logics, models of such systems are usually algebras, e.g., Boolean or Heyting algebras , and as such they are categories.
- They made plans to write a joint paper on splitting fields of division algebras , which was to contain an example showing that the degree of a minimal splitting field can be arbitrarily large.
- In 1923 he published important work on real and complex algebras of low dimension.