alcoholism - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of alcoholism in Hindi
- शराब
- शराबीपन
- मद्यपता
- पियक्कड़पन
- अधिक मदिरा पीने से उत्पन्न रोग
alcoholism Definition
- an addiction to the consumption of alcoholic liquor or the mental illness and compulsive behavior resulting from alcohol dependency. ( अल्कोहल की खपत या शराब पर निर्भरता के परिणामस्वरूप होने वाली मानसिक बीमारी और बाध्यकारी व्यवहार की लत। )
alcoholism Example
- There is some evidence that alcoholism of early onset is associated with a defect in serotonin regulation. ( कुछ सबूत हैं कि शुरुआती शुरुआत की शराबवाद सेरोटोनिन विनियमन में एक दोष के साथ जुड़ा हुआ है। )
- Many alcoholics will tell you that alcoholism is a disease that rewires the brain. ( कई शराबी आपको बताएंगे कि शराब एक ऐसी बीमारी है जो मस्तिष्क को प्रभावित करती है। )
- Because I think that within medicine there's a bit of a conspiracy of silence about alcoholism . ( क्योंकि मुझे लगता है कि दवा के भीतर शराब के बारे में चुप्पी का एक साज़िश है। )
- Alcohol abuse is the most common cause of cirrhosis and many people associate the disease with alcoholism . ( शराब का सेवन सिरोसिस का सबसे आम कारण है और कई लोग इस बीमारी को शराब से जोड़ते हैं। )
More Sentence
- Speaking of genes and drugs, for years there's been a fruitless search for the gene for alcoholism .
- Her alcoholism and addiction to cocaine make her paranoid and unpredictable.
- he had a long history of depression, drug abuse and alcoholism
- On the practical side was the desire to gain a better deal for people suffering from alcoholism .
- There is no suggestion in the evidence that your client suffered from alcoholism , is there?
- She suffered from depression and alcoholism and it took her until the age of 34 to sort herself out.
- There was no evidence of cigarette smoking and no history of drug abuse or alcoholism .
- Vaillant concludes that we know far more about the clinical course of common cancers than we do of alcoholism .
- I am much more inclined to think that their alcoholism or addiction has come about as a consequence of their situation.
- But Chris slipped into alcoholism and became addicted to cocaine and Ecstasy.
- Am I going to give them an answer to alcoholism or addiction in a few minutes on television?
- The suicide rate is one of the highest in Europe, and there is alcoholism and drug addiction.
- People with parents who have alcoholism have a greater chance of getting the disease.
- Pathologist Dr Al Badri found that Mr Holmes died from cardio respiratory failure and chronic alcoholism .
- We treat it very much like we would treat alcoholism or drug addiction.
- Binge drinking should not be conflated with chronic alcoholism and under-age consumption.
- he had a long history of depression, drug abuse, and alcoholism
- Ten years later Glatt founded his unit for alcoholism and drug addiction at St Bernard's.