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alarmist - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of alarmist in Hindi

  • भय उत्पन्न करनेवाला
  • भय 
  • चिंता 

alarmist Definition


  • someone who is considered to be exaggerating a danger and so causing needless worry or panic. ( जो किसी खतरे को अतिरंजित माना जाता है और इसलिए अनावश्यक चिंता या आतंक का कारण बनता है। )


  • creating needless worry or panic. ( अनावश्यक चिंता या घबराहट पैदा करना। )

alarmist Example

  • MR MULHOLLAND, I found your particular brand of negative alarmist journalism quite entertaining when I first started reading your column. ( MR MULHOLLAND, जब मैंने पहली बार आपके कॉलम को पढ़ना शुरू किया, तो मैंने आपके विशेष ब्रांड की नकारात्मक अलार्म पत्रकारिता को काफी मनोरंजक पाया। )
  • But Rice kept on saying these alarmist things nevertheless. ( लेकिन राइस इन खतरनाक चीजों को फिर भी कहते रहे। )
  • For the less gullible among us, the administration's alarmist rhetoric in 2002 was a grim farce, and the unfolding of the nightmare we see today was a foregone conclusion. ( हमारे बीच कम भोलापन के लिए, 2002 में प्रशासन की खतरनाक बयानबाजी एक गंभीर चुनौती थी, और आज हम जो बुरा सपना देख रहे हैं, वह एक पूर्वगामी निष्कर्ष था। )
  • I have long been skeptical of alarmist demographic projections for the Palestinians, so the above-mentioned report doesn't surprise me. ( मैं लंबे समय से फिलिस्तीनियों के लिए अलार्मवादी जनसांख्यिकीय अनुमानों पर संदेह करता रहा हूं, इसलिए उपर्युक्त रिपोर्ट मुझे आश्चर्यचकित नहीं करती है। )

More Sentence

  • But then, perhaps I'm slightly alarmist or paranoid?
  • Brian Caton, general secretary of the Prison Officers Association, said the claims were not alarmist and warned that the situation in prisons across the country was getting worse.
  • If Spiegel is being alarmist this reaction is far preferable to pretending nothing is happening or imagining away the underlying problems that lend Nazi imagery its power.
  • At the same time, he sought to dismiss scare stories and alarmist reports in sections of the press, and stressed that Britain would continue to offer a warm welcome to genuine migrant workers and refugees.
  • Canada's alarmist post-9/11 legislation will be given another careful look coast to coast, and it's all starting here.
  • Notwithstanding superficial Western reportage and alarmist propaganda by Arab Sunnis, Arab Shias do not obey the commands of Iranian Shias.
  • Even less alarmist academics thought that it had to worsen things, but as soon as it passed (even before it took effect), more poor people began looking for and getting jobs.
  • It triggered off right away some alarmist reactions at some of the mailing lists I have subscribed to, since it suggests a ‘crackdown’.
  • In common with most alarmist theories, the concerns have been blown up out of all proportion to what is actually happening on the ground - but that does not mean that all is quiet on the south-east Asian front.
  • Unfortunately, this isn't some alarmist theory.
  • Global salvationism thus combines alarmist visions and diagnoses with confidently radical collectivist prescriptions for the world.
  • Of course, dictatorships issue this sort of alarmist propaganda all the time. U.S. troops on the parallel can't sneeze without Pyongyang accusing them of germ warfare.
  • Some people have worried that parts of the series were overly alarmist .
  • This, conceded the correspondent, ‘laid the ground for every conceivable rumour’, and contributed to alarmist reports in the Western media about the scale of the damage.
  • What is the rational response to Shelby's alarmist words?
  • If he warns of a terror attack, he is playing alarmist politics.
  • But I draw the line at alarmists like Dionne, who thrust their fingers into the air to discover ‘chilling effects’ in the everyday conflicts between the state and press.
  • The current heatwave in Europe is letting alarmists have a field day, allowing them to spout all sorts of rubbish without people noticing.
  • But if misguided privacy alarmists have their way, the benefits of the next generation of bar codes may be denied or delayed.
  • The Bush Administration itself, whether for reasons of politics or ignorance, has also given intellectual ground to alarmists in the climate change debate.
  • It is not just alarmists who are asking this question.
  • To my mind there are, on this issue, two kinds of people: alarmists and fools.
  • An improved climate: ‘Every year, environmental alarmists claim we have taken another step on the road to ruin.’
  • This multi-disciplinary study concludes that climate alarmism is unwarranted and counterproductive for the developed world and particularly for the world's energy poor.
  • The tidal wave caused by global warming alarmism has hit me.
  • Assuming, that is, that the danger is as bad as alarmists are saying.