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airline - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of airline in Hindi

  • एयरलाइन
  • हवाई रास्ता
  • वायु-मार्ग

airline Definition

  • an organization providing a regular public service of air transportation on one or more routes. ( एक या एक से अधिक मार्गों पर हवाई परिवहन की नियमित सार्वजनिक सेवा प्रदान करने वाला संगठन। )
  • a pipe supplying air. ( एक पाइप जो हवा की आपूर्ति करता है। )

airline Example

  • Dave works as a cabin crew air steward, but is hoping for a career as a commercial airline pilot. ( डेव एक केबिन क्रू एयर स्टीवर्ड के रूप में काम करता है, लेकिन एक वाणिज्यिक एयरलाइन पायलट के रूप में कैरियर की उम्मीद कर रहा है। )
  • In the airline industry a pilot who reports an error is immune from disciplinary action. ( एयरलाइन उद्योग में एक पायलट जो एक त्रुटि की रिपोर्ट करता है, अनुशासनात्मक कार्रवाई से प्रतिरक्षा है। )
  • He managed to con people into believing he was an airline pilot, a lawyer and a doctor. ( वह लोगों को यह विश्वास दिलाने में कामयाब रहे कि वह एक एयरलाइन पायलट, एक वकील और एक डॉक्टर थे। )
  • A trio of companies will be also reporting on the state of the airline market. ( कंपनियों की तिकड़ी भी एयरलाइन बाजार की स्थिति पर रिपोर्टिंग करेगी। )

More Sentence

  • airline pilot
  • But what happens if the air line or pneumatic cylinder that controls the reject station fails?
  • After a great deal of work, there was, at last, clear access down to level 5, but there were no water and air lines , no ventilation, and no safe electrical system for blasting.
  • Replace the air lines and any other details you removed from the boiler.
  • On the most lucrative routes, the airlines may be assigned different time slots.
  • Then you place the compressor behind the cab, run the air line back to the bag, and run the wires to a rocker switch placed in the cab.
  • Which further low cost routes would you like airlines to serve from Manchester Airport?
  • The air line noted above was left in place, to be used as a speaking tube so that we could pass signals back and forth during the escape.
  • The number of people injured when a train begins moving as they're hooking up the air line has declined where the remote-control technology is used, Davis said.
  • Some airlines just put on routes because they think they can stimulate traffic.
  • They bail out airlines and insurance companies, but let defrauded employees starve.
  • An automated alert went out to airports and main airlines , including British Airways.
  • As a regular traveller, I am glad that the airlines , in the main, have banned smoking on all flights.
  • It will carry telephone and data cables along with fresh water and fuel supply lines and high and low pressure air lines .
  • Inlet and outlet air lines were sealed into smaller holes in the lid, using rubber sleeves.
  • With the worker finally clear from our train and the air line now charged up, we finally got underway at 7:07 PM, having missed our scheduled 7:00 PM departure.
  • For this purpose a regulated high pressure air line and test gauge can be fitted via an adaptor to the capillary holder.
  • UK airlines will meet transport officials in Whitehall this week to discuss a response.
  • Moments later, a high-pressure air line connecting to main ballast tanks allowing the submarine to control its depth bursts its seal in the seventh compartment.
  • As so many petrol stations and garages have closed over the last few years, surely there needs to be legislation to ensure that air lines are working and available at all times?
  • Solenoid, slave cylinder and hardware, all necessary air lines and connectors, and 1/4-inch hose into solenoid are included.
  • The growth continues with a variety of airlines operating scheduled services worldwide.
  • This was the battle between the no-frills airlines and the package tour operators.
  • Visitors don a 70-pound helmet attached to an air line fed from the surface, and descend stairs into less than 20 feet of open water.
  • The most conspicuous of a variety of both air and electrical problems has been that gun #1 (the largest gun, nearest the ship) air lines have continued to fail.
  • It is a matter of public record that some airlines have had to be bailed out by their governments.