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aid - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of aid in Hindi

  • सहायता
  • सहायक
  • सहारा
  • उपादान
  • सहायता देना
  • अंतरराष्ट्रीय विकास एजेंसी

aid Definition


  • help, assist, or support (someone or something) in the achievement of something. ( किसी चीज की उपलब्धि में सहायता, सहायता या समर्थन (किसी या कुछ)। )


  • help, typically of a practical nature. ( मदद, आमतौर पर एक व्यावहारिक प्रकृति की। )

aid Example

  • Idona, stand by to aid me just in case it does appear again. ( इडोना, मेरी मदद के लिए खड़े हो जाओ, अगर यह फिर से दिखाई दे। )
  • He told of how his cousin and her family came to his aid and gratefully helped him in the reconstruction. ( उन्होंने बताया कि कैसे उनके चचेरे भाई और उनके परिवार ने उनकी सहायता के लिए आए और पुनर्निर्माण में उनकी मदद की। )
  • About 25 farmers from the district then went to their aid . ( जिले के लगभग 25 किसान तब उनकी सहायता के लिए गए। )
  • The Government must consider giving financial aid to rural traditional medicine centres which have been operating in the State since time immemorial. ( सरकार को ग्रामीण पारंपरिक चिकित्सा केंद्रों को वित्तीय सहायता देने पर विचार करना चाहिए जो राज्य में पुराने समय से संचालित हो रहे हैं। )

More Sentence

  • aid convoys
  • All the photographic technique is purely an aid to help the photographer get the image you want to show.
  • The program guarantees financial aid to low-income students who earn a ‘C’ average or above.
  • But her family, which includes five sisters and her brother, came to her aid when most of them put themselves forward for compatibility testing.
  • Many books have been written and learning programs begun to aid us in achieving this goal.
  • his friends went to his aid
  • a teaching aid
  • ‘Most services offering support to aid recovery are focused on the needs of women and their children,’ she admits.
  • he saw the pilot slumped in his cockpit and went to his aid
  • I am sorry for your loss, and hope that you have the emotional, physical and spiritual support you need to aid you and your new baby to a happier outcome.
  • Kate Morgan, Pembrokeshire County Council's food officer, says a healthy breakfast can aid concentration and mental performance, and provide energy.
  • Student cooperatives were banned because, although recognized as an aid to poor students, they provided good places to exchange revolutionary opinions and leaflets.
  • The underlining served as a memory aid to help students identify and retrieve the essential elements in the problem.
  • Food and other aid to the refugees, living in the area for three years, has been stopped since Jan.1.
  • After they left, Fung, hungry and thirsty, shouted for help and other hikers came to his aid .
  • It's a difficult environment at the best of times, but with roads cut, delivering aid to needy areas is proving to be a challenge.
  • financial aid
  • The Wroughton-based appeal has collected and distributed hundreds of palettes of aid to disaster struck areas since the tsunami hit on December 26.
  • exercise is an important aid to recovery after heart attacks
  • In 1998, the Government provided significant financial aid to farmers.
  • The bad weather also blocked roads and grounded helicopters as troops raced against the approaching Himalayan winter to ferry aid to remote areas.
  • 700,000 tons of food aid
  • All that he had originally designed to spend on Malta, he would give as an aid to the queen, so that she might prevail over her rebels.
  • Grit is essential in most birds' diets, both as an aid to digestion and as a source of minerals.
  • Therefore the Department of Labor gives financial aid to students with disabilities if they want to further their studies.
  • A help page is all set up to aid you in determining whether your phone is web-enabled - an option you may have never even considered using before.