ahimsa - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of ahimsa in Hindi
ahimsa Definition
- (in the Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain tradition) the principle of nonviolence toward all living things. ( (हिंदू, बौद्ध और जैन परंपरा में) सभी जीवित चीजों के प्रति अहिंसा का सिद्धांत। )
ahimsa Example
- The name of Buddha upholds non-violence - ahimsa and promotes peace. ( बुद्ध का नाम अहिंसा है - अहिंसा और शांति को बढ़ावा देता है। )
- Vedic Scripture proclaims ahimsa , nonhurtfulness, is a primary religious obligation in fulfillment of dharma, divine law. ( वैदिक शास्त्र अहिंसा, अहिंसा की घोषणा करता है, धर्म, ईश्वरीय विधान की पूर्ति में एक प्राथमिक धार्मिक दायित्व है। )
- It was influenced by Jain and Buddhist notions of ahimsa (non-violence). ( यह अहिंसा (अहिंसा) की जैन और बौद्ध धारणाओं से प्रभावित था। )
- Kings and the emperors adopted the new religion of equality, ahimsa , and compassion. ( राजाओं और सम्राटों ने समानता, अहिंसा और करुणा के नए धर्म को अपनाया। )
More Sentence
- The question is the translation of spiritual principles, such as ahimsa , the principle of non-harm advocated by Gandhi, or Christian nonviolence to the political sphere.
- But the overlying principle that defines the Hindu answer to this query is ahimsa - refraining from injuring, physically, mentally or emotionally, anyone or any living creature.
- He is just one of the hundreds of spokesmen and women spreading the Hindu ideal of ahimsa , noninjury to others, whether by thought, word or deed.
- He said the youth learn about ahimsa , humility, respect and the meaning of festivals and the various forms of the Gods.
- Even before the modern period, the cow was associated with several ideas: ahimsa or non-injury; purity and purification; goodness; and motherhood, in nurturing and providing not only for her calf but for all.
- The principles of satya [truthfulness] and ahimsa [nonviolence] from our scriptures are needed more today for the survival of the human race than at any time in history.
- How do Buddhist ethical teachings like ahimsa affect its approach to contemporary moral dilemmas such as abortion?
- He explained to me that ahimsa (non-violence) is part of Hinduism.
- This is the strictest expression of Hinduism's law of ahimsa .
- Since Hindu religion teaches us ahimsa - noninjury - this principle should be equally applied to every human being and animal.
- All must follow the practice of ‘non-injury’ or ahimsa .
- The absolute emphasis on compassion and ahimsa in Buddhism and Jainism are the quintessence of peace.
- All of these exercises sit on a bed called ahimsa , non-violence, in yoga, or compassion in Buddhism.
- Gurudeva also required a home life of ahimsa , tolerating neither abuse of a spouse nor corporal punishment of children.
- At a state dinner with India's Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, King was full of questions about Gandhi's philosophy and adherence to ahimsa .
- In my opinion, the word ahimsa means nonaggression and not nonviolence.