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agrochemical - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of agrochemical in Hindi

  • एग्रोकेमिकल

agrochemical Definition

  • a chemical used in agriculture, such as a pesticide or a fertilizer. ( कृषि में उपयोग किया जाने वाला रसायन, जैसे कीटनाशक या उर्वरक। )

agrochemical Example

  • Other research also points to agrochemicals as a potential risk factor for breast cancer (and other forms of cancer too). ( अन्य शोध भी स्तन कैंसर (और कैंसर के अन्य रूपों) के लिए संभावित जोखिम कारक के रूप में एग्रोकेमिकल्स को इंगित करते हैं। )
  • However, adverse effects of high input agriculture have been recognized, as fertilizers and agrochemicals discharged from agriculture cause surface water pollution. ( हालांकि, उच्च इनपुट कृषि के प्रतिकूल प्रभावों को मान्यता दी गई है, क्योंकि कृषि से निकलने वाले उर्वरकों और कृषि रसायनों के कारण सतही जल प्रदूषण होता है। )
  • Small peasants, engaged in rice, vegetable and banana cultivation, are unable to find a way out of growing indebtedness, due to the abolition of subsidies on fertilisers, agrochemicals and seeds. ( चावल, सब्जी और केले की खेती में लगे छोटे किसानों को उर्वरकों, कृषि और बीजों पर सब्सिडी खत्म करने के कारण बढ़ती ऋणग्रस्तता का रास्ता नहीं मिल पा रहा है। )
  • These were further developed in the 1960s when agro-industrial complexes were set up to grow crops as well as producing fertilizers, pesticides, and other agrochemicals . ( इन्हें 1960 के दशक में विकसित किया गया था, जब कृषि-औद्योगिक परिसरों को फसलों के साथ-साथ उर्वरकों, कीटनाशकों और अन्य कृषि रसायनों के उत्पादन के लिए स्थापित किया गया था। )

More Sentence

  • Originally this was applied to remote sensing for checking the effects of agrochemicals used by farmers, to increase efficiency and reduce ecological damage.
  • Input use: large farms tend to use purchased inputs like agrochemicals , while small farms are more likely to use non-purchased inputs, like manure and compost produced on the farm.
  • The developments of combinatorial chemistry and the identification of new target sites from genomics research are likely to enhance the quality of agrochemicals at the farmer's disposal.
  • Public concern about the intensive use of agrochemicals has led to a rapidly-growing and welcome demand for organic produce.
  • This should then lead to a strategic approach to testing which could be applied similarly to industrial chemicals, pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals , food additives, etc.
  • Across the globe, biotechnology products such as pharmaceuticals and agrochemicals have been valued at more than $US200-billion this year.
  • Most would rather do without agrochemicals or genetically modified crops.
  • It is true in theory that any given small farm might employ toxic agrochemicals , genetically modified seeds, or other techniques typical of industrial agriculture.
  • The contaminants are usually the result of the use of agrochemicals , fertilizers, and sprays used to increase crop yields, which then get washed into rivers and reservoirs and hence into drinking water.
  • During our eccentric farming decade, we tried to reproduce for interest's sake the pre-war ways of running a 40-acre holding with only heavy horses to work the land, and no modern agrochemicals .
  • He said his company was making efforts to develop the sector through the provision of the required farm equipment and agrochemicals such as herbicides, pesticides and fungicides.
  • The firms are involved with a range of products including paint, pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals , paper and textile chemicals.
  • The Rochester team studied the effects of a mixture of two common agrochemicals , the herbicide paraquat and the fungicide maneb.
  • The coffee plantations were abandoned in 1995 and have not been harvested or treated with agrochemicals since.
  • Here, yields have been increased through organic farming techniques, a much cheaper alternative to conventional agrochemicals .
  • Even the ground water is unfit for drinking due to large-scale application of fertilizers, pesticides and agrochemicals in the tea gardens.