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agriculture - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of agriculture in Hindi

  • कृषि
  • खेती
  • कृषिकर्म
  • खेती-बाड़ी

agriculture Definition

  • the science or practice of farming, including cultivation of the soil for the growing of crops and the rearing of animals to provide food, wool, and other products. ( फसलों के उगाने के लिए मिट्टी की खेती और भोजन, ऊन, और अन्य उत्पादों को प्रदान करने के लिए जानवरों को पालने सहित खेती का विज्ञान या अभ्यास। )

agriculture Example

  • All are based on the food and agriculture industries both vital to the Irish economy. ( सभी आयरिश अर्थव्यवस्था के लिए महत्वपूर्ण खाद्य और कृषि उद्योगों पर आधारित हैं। )
  • Soil salinity poses serious limitations to agriculture in many areas around the world. ( मृदा लवणता दुनिया भर के कई क्षेत्रों में कृषि के लिए गंभीर सीमाएँ हैं। )
  • They have opened the way to a new phase in the history of agriculture , animal breeding and husbandry. ( उन्होंने कृषि, पशु प्रजनन और पति के इतिहास में एक नए चरण का रास्ता खोल दिया है। )
  • We've got to make a commitment to try to improve the lives of animals used on farms and in agriculture . ( हमें खेतों पर और कृषि में उपयोग किए जाने वाले जानवरों के जीवन को बेहतर बनाने का प्रयास करने के लिए प्रतिबद्धता मिली है। )

More Sentence

  • Applicants must come from farm families and plan to pursue a career in the field of agriculture .
  • So bread came before agriculture and agriculture came before culture and civilisation.
  • If the plants perform as well as hoped, it could dramatically change agriculture .
  • Their decision to leave dairying comes as their two sons pursue careers outside agriculture .
  • Hedgerows and indigenous species of plants lost though agriculture would be brought back.
  • The productivity of the eastern system of agriculture declined in the seventeenth century.
  • In reality, they were vast slum areas without industry or fertile soil for agriculture .
  • The main form of agriculture was pastoral with cattle and sheep being grazed on unenclosed lands.
  • In recent years, the use of pesticides in agriculture has been increasing steadily.
  • Aside from some cultivation of sugar cane and cotton, there is little agriculture .
  • Modern agriculture is justified on the grounds that it produces more on less land.
  • Mr Egan was on the cusp of a career in which he promised to be devoted to farming and agriculture .
  • The protection of domestic agriculture must be recognised as a food security imperative.
  • How did English agriculture manage to raise labour productivity to such high levels?
  • Success in obtaining the required output of food from agriculture depends on soil fertility.
  • Essentially this ditches almost all animal agriculture except for beef and dairy products.
  • It should have major appeal to practicing agriculturists , agricultural advisors, land managers and students of agricultural science, especially upperclassmen.
  • At North Dakota, as at Minnesota, he was the first professor of agriculture and agriculturist for the agricultural experiment station.
  • Such applied animal behavior research, though fairly new to U.S. agriculturists , is shedding light on other aspects of cattle behavior, too.
  • It behooves all educators with a vested interest in agriculture to continue inspiring, motivating, and ‘teaching’ the next generation of agriculturists nationwide.
  • Around the middle of the eighteenth century, the breeding of livestock was dramatically changed by Robert Bakewell, an English agriculturist .