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agree - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of agree in Hindi

  • इस बात से सहमत
  • सहमत होना
  • सम्मत होना
  • अनुकूल होना
  • सही मान लेना
  • राज़ी होना
  • मान लेना
  • सहमति देना
  • स्वीकार करना

agree Definition

  • have the same opinion about something; concur. ( किसी चीज़ के बारे में एक ही राय है; सहमत होना। )
  • consent to do something that has been suggested by another person. ( कुछ ऐसा करने की सहमति जो किसी अन्य व्यक्ति द्वारा सुझाई गई हो। )
  • be consistent with. ( उसके साथ बने रहो। )

agree Example

  • your body language does not agree with what you are saying ( आपकी बॉडी लैंग्वेज इस बात से सहमत नहीं है कि आप क्या कह रहे हैं )
  • I'm not sure I agree with abortion ( मुझे यकीन नहीं है कि मैं गर्भपात से सहमत हूं )
  • I agree that consumers are always right ( मैं मानता हूं कि उपभोक्ता हमेशा सही होते हैं )
  • the cheques and invoices must agree ( चेक और चालान से सहमत होना चाहिए )

More Sentence

  • The meeting is a negotiation, to bring these different goals together and to agree them.
  • I don't agree with random drugs testing in schools
  • Strikes have been put off until the end of February to give negotiators a chance to agree a deal.
  • she's eaten something that did not agree with her
  • the writer made the verb agree with the subject
  • I completely agree with your recent editorial
  • she's eaten something which did not agree with her
  • they couldn't agree whether he was guilty or not
  • Not only that, but it can vehemently divide people who otherwise agree on most issues.
  • she won't agree to do this
  • After all, does anyone go to a blog for a discussion of issues that most people agree on?
  • the adjective and the noun must agree
  • This is the underlying issue which campaigners agree must be tackled in years to come.
  • After negotiation, we agree a set of terms under which the autopsy will be performed.
  • Mrs Martin agreed to take the suggestion to the town council and the youth council.
  • In such cases, proximity concord operates, the verb agreeing with the nearest noun.
  • I'm sure you agree with this philosophy, despite how painful it must be in this case.
  • The form of the average simulated wave profile agrees with the analytic result with good accuracy, which demonstrates consistency of our approach.
  • To avoid the authorities, he agrees to accompany an inventor to go around the world in 80 days.
  • Then both agreed on the idea that it is an individuals' responsibility.
  • What the two would not have agreed on is the nature of the crisis afflicting Europe and the Western world.
  • The two leaders agreed on the need to speed up efforts to resume a serious peace process.
  • Wiltshire County Council's Cabinet agreed the increases which will come into effect in April.
  • Make a record of the date you complained about the harassment, to whom you spoke, what was said and what action was agreed on.
  • In the present case they were the same, but the time for payment did not come till liability and amount were agreed or settled.
  • I'm not disgusted by the exhibit but I don't agree with the message of moral equivalency.