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agenda - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of agenda in Hindi

  • कार्यसूची
  • कार्यावली

agenda Definition

  • a list of items to be discussed at a formal meeting. ( औपचारिक बैठक में चर्चा की जाने वाली वस्तुओं की सूची। )
  • an appointment diary. ( एक नियुक्ति डायरी। )

agenda Example

  • Critics are also right in suggesting that his policy agenda is somewhat bereft of concrete plans. ( आलोचकों का यह कहना भी सही है कि उनका नीतिगत एजेंडा कुछ ठोस योजनाओं से परे है। )
  • Miller has his own agenda and it has nothing to do with football ( मिलर का अपना एजेंडा है और इसका फुटबॉल से कोई लेना-देना नहीं है )
  • Into their barren lives comes Aunt Miriam, a social worker with an agenda . ( उनके बंजर जीवन में एक एजेंडा वाली सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता आंटी मरियम आती हैं। )
  • Having just sown Kuttinger and Nantes carrot seeds on my plot, this is top of my agenda for the coming weeks. ( मेरे प्लाट पर सिर्फ कुट्टींगर और नैनटेस गाजर के बीज बोए, यह आने वाले हफ्तों के लिए मेरे एजेंडे में सबसे ऊपर है। )

More Sentence

  • I have felt for a long time that, unless theatre addresses the public agenda , it will die.
  • the government had its own agenda
  • But what I wrote is probably more accurate in some obscure technical sense of reflecting my true agenda .
  • the question of nuclear weapons had been removed from the agenda
  • Shareholders can use the opportunity to place items on the meeting agenda or to ask questions.
  • According to Harawira, the unions had their own agenda - closely aligned to protecting the interests of the company.
  • I am honest, trustworthy, caring, work damn hard and have no political aspirations or agenda .
  • The meeting discussed the agenda for the games and a further meeting will be held at a later date.
  • He added that the issue had been added to the agenda of a full meeting of the deans of education this week.
  • A raft of football-orientated programmes will keep the game top of the agenda throughout the week.
  • I think it is a problem for those who have an agenda in their own conservative party.
  • Mayor Graham Francis said the meeting agenda had been on display outside the town hall since Thursday.
  • These extreme situations provide an agenda for policymakers that students of strategy can address.
  • I can't even write in my agenda the important upcoming dates in the school year because oh wait, I don't have a schedule.
  • Pay, independence and limits on the numbers of directorships held are top of his agenda .
  • I am more than content to discuss this issue further and will add this to the agenda for our next meeting.
  • And worse still for the government, the row has exposed the real agenda behind their plans.
  • Also included is an attractive leather bound agenda made with recycled tropical fibers such as coffee, tobacco and bananas as well as an executive brass pen made with recycled brass.
  • But programs run by artists bring a different agenda .
  • Top of the agenda were plans for the Atlantic League designed to accommodate big clubs from the smaller countries.
  • Kim Beazley put the plan on top of the agenda when launching his campaign last Wednesday.
  • A great day is planned with wining, dining and dancing top of the agenda and all are welcome.
  • Refined and sleek, this handsome agenda cover slips easily into a jacket pocket or briefcase.
  • he vowed to put jobs at the top of his agenda
  • Some universities post the agendas of upcoming meetings and minutes of their open sessions once they have been ratified.
  • Tyab says the student society is not receiving agendas for the board meetings and he wanted to gain insight into the goings on at the development corporation.