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ageless - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of ageless in Hindi

  • वृद्ध न होनेवाला
  • चिरयुवा
  • चिरनूतन

ageless Definition

  • never growing or appearing to grow old. ( बूढ़ा होना या बूढ़ा दिखाई देना कभी नहीं। )

ageless Example

  • Without it, through little fault of his own, Plutarch is left exposed as the supreme exemplar of the ageless dictum: never let the facts get in the way of a good story. ( इसके बिना, अपनी खुद की छोटी सी गलती के माध्यम से, प्लूटार्क को छोड़ दिया जाता है, जो कि अडिग डिक्टम का सर्वोच्च उदाहरण है: तथ्यों को कभी भी एक अच्छी कहानी के रूप में सामने न आने दें। )
  • It will be the first time in the Swindon theatre's history that J M Barrie's ageless classic has been performed as a pantomime. ( यह स्विंडन थियेटरे के इतिहास में पहली बार होगा जब जे एम बैरी के एगलेस क्लासिक को पैंटी के रूप में प्रदर्शित किया गया है। )
  • It is a world of gracious living, Old World culture, and haute cuisine, as ageless as Brigitte Bardot or Catherine Deneuve. ( यह ब्रिगिट बार्डोट या कैथरीन डेनेउवे के रूप में, घोर जीवित, पुरानी विश्व संस्कृति और हाउते भोजन की दुनिया है। )
  • It endured forever in its own special dimension of time - ageless , never dimming entirely from memory, forever after unattainable. ( यह हमेशा के लिए अपने समय के विशेष आयाम में हमेशा के लिए सघन हो गया - व्यर्थ, कभी भी स्मृति से पूरी तरह से नहीं हटना, हमेशा के लिए अप्राप्य के बाद। )

More Sentence

  • Yet ever since the launch of her own label, in 1983, she has consistently espoused a style that is contemporary in spirit but timeless and ageless in appeal.
  • With such timeless material and a seemingly ageless line-up, who knows when the Steeleye Span journey will end?
  • Gently melancholic ageless classic from the lost talent of English song.
  • This belief corresponds precisely to the Indian tradition of a perennial philosophy, an ageless wisdom revealed and revealed, restored, lost, and again restored through the cycles of ages.
  • It would reign omnipotent over all the other inestimable, ageless , treasures of antiquity that thirty seven ruthless years of deep intrigue and immense wealth had brought him.
  • This brings us to that ageless marital dilemma facing everyone I know: why is it that whatever you spend money on makes sense, and whatever he spends it on is a complete and utter waste?
  • The architecture of the modern era aspires to evoke an air of ageless youth and of a perpetual present.
  • This is what tells us that the Universe probably does have a finite age, it probably is not eternal and ageless as Einstein wanted to believe.
  • The scene was set for an evening of entertainment highlighted by the ageless message of hope.
  • But then, to date the integrity of Beckett's genius has survived all the fashions and the fads, and thankfully great art like his survives behind the times, ageless and indestructible.
  • It would have to be a timeless, ageless tale, something that could be told in over eighty years and still have the same moving punch as it would back in the nineteen hundreds.
  • Close your eyes and look inside yourself, shut out the noise of your civilization and listen to the ageless stories of the Shona, buried deep inside the foundation stones of this once Great place, this Zimbabwe.
  • It appears that ageless truth remains the same that small guns are easier to carry and the big guns shoot better.
  • They become artifacts not only of culture but of time, and as such acquire a timeless, ageless quality that can elude even the best color films.
  • It has an ageless quality, perhaps because it was written by an old man in a decade (the eighties) in which poetic reflections on the First World War were not a common theme for novels.
  • Murphy Brown was an intelligent, risk-taking sitcom that surpasses its topical '80s humor to become an ageless classic.
  • But the life Edwards has lead, globetrotting with her father, has given her something that puts her at odds with those who would normally be considered peers, and gives her songs an ageless outlook.
  • Nanotechnology is central to their vision of a future of agelessness , immortality, and rebirth.
  • Almost sixty perhaps, though he had an air of agelessness about him.
  • The paradox of the agelessness of God and of the mystery of the birth of that which has no beginning in time works in tandem with the idea that by being born God gives ‘eternal life’ to mankind, freeing mankind from death.
  • The long-lived people would then have the ability to travel to the stars, but the risk would be too great for the cautious people made soft by ages of agelessness .
  • ‘One cannot,’ he writes, ‘pursue agelessness for oneself and remain faithful to the spirit and meaning of procreation.’
  • Clisi knew that one of the others could not be with a faerie or elf without losing their immortality and agelessness .
  • However, immortality and agelessness continued to be the prerogative of the gods; neither the children of mixed unions, nor mortals who were especially precious to the gods, could share them.
  • He had grown with her until he hit the barrier of agelessness , after that he could only watch her as she continued slowly down the road that he could never travel.
  • Despite Ellison's claims for the agelessness and timelessness of the novel's concerns, however, Invisible Man is a novel deeply preoccupied with time and history.