
ageism - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of ageism in Hindi

  • पूर्वाग्रह 
  • अनुचित व्यावहार 
  • भेदभाव।

ageism Definition

  • prejudice or discrimination on the basis of a person's age. ( किसी व्यक्ति की उम्र के आधार पर पूर्वाग्रह या भेदभाव।)

ageism Example

  • She said it also found that ageism was a particularly insidious form of discrimination and did not just target the elderly, but simply those who were older than others. ( उसने कहा कि यह भी पाया गया कि उम्रवाद एक विशेष रूप से भेदभाव का रूप था और यह सिर्फ बुजुर्गों को लक्षित नहीं करता था, बल्कि वे जो दूसरों से बड़े थे। )
  • Some prejudices (preconceived opinions of an individual based on opinions about the many) have names such as racism, sexism, or ageism . ( कुछ पूर्वाग्रहों (कई के बारे में राय के आधार पर किसी व्यक्ति की पूर्वनिर्धारित राय) के नाम जैसे नस्लवाद, लिंगवाद या उम्रवाद हैं। )
  • Adie's fall from grace was not the result of sexism, ageism or an obsession with celebrity-led reporting. ( अनुग्रह से एडी का पतन लिंगवाद, उम्रवाद या सेलिब्रिटी के नेतृत्व वाली रिपोर्टिंग के जुनून का परिणाम नहीं था। )
  • Employer discrimination and ageism are a contributing factor in relegating these workers to the scrap heap. ( इन श्रमिकों को स्क्रैप के ढेर पर वापस लाने में नियोक्ता भेदभाव और उम्रवाद एक योगदान कारक है। )

More Sentence

  • Many more are also oppressed by homophobia, ageism , discrimination against the disabled, the uneducated, or the poor in general.
  • While sexism, ageism and racism have all become social no-nos, fattism remains a perfectly acceptable prejudice.
  • 16 per cent of IT staff have encountered ageism on the grounds they were too old.
  • Ethnic prejudice, ageism , and sexism still prevent many people from advancing.
  • Well, partly it's - you could call it age discrimination or ageism .
  • Feminist writer and broadcaster Bea Campbell explains that ageism towards women is inextricably bound up with sexism.
  • Finally, how do the lenses of classism, ageism and racism, especially when applied together, enable us better to see women's position on ships?
  • ageism in recruitment is an increasing problem
  • Finally, the discrimination imposed by sexism has parallels in the prejudice implied by ageism .
  • Other forms of bias include ageism , sexism, and racism.
  • As for you studios, one tip: there's a fair bit of fattism, ageism , gratuitous violence, sexism and sheer bland awfulness on that nominee list too.
  • We strive to eliminate sexism, ageism , heterosexism and other forms of discrimination from our lives.
  • Others may be unduly influenced by variables such as sexism, racism, ageism , or a lack of resources.
  • Indeed, ageism and classism seemed almost nonexistent.
  • Little Ray and Caz uncover some uncomfortable truths, and Ray and Jim have to come to terms with the prejudices of ageism , family loyalty and love.
  • It was nothing more than a sad example of ageism that served no purpose other than to be blatantly discriminatory against the older car driver.
  • It's very sexist, it's very racist, it's very ageist , it's very us-and-them, it's very exclusionary.
  • People don't see themselves as ageists but it is prevalent.
  • Their door policy was racist, exclusionist, ageist even.
  • Perhaps the elderly are lazy or maybe they're inhibited by our ageist prejudices.
  • They cast the retired as a burden on the young worker in an attempt to whip up ageist prejudice.
  • However older people still suffer ageist barriers once they turn 65.
  • Feminism deals with the fact that women face obstacles that are specific to them as a result of living in a patriarchal society, just as elderly people inevitably struggle in an ageist society, etc.
  • Midlife women in Western society face both sexist and ageist pressures to hide any signs of aging in order to be considered attractive.
  • On the bright side, Kornhaber found that grandchildren with close grandparenting relationships tended to be neither ageist nor sexist and did not fear death.
  • Like all stereotypes and prejudices, ageist assumptions about our teenagers can have negative consequences for their lives.