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after-effect - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of after-effect in Hindi

  • प्रभाव के बाद
  • पश्च प्रभाव
  • अनुप्रभाव

after-effect Definition


  • an effect that follows after the primary action of something.

after-effect Example

  • Unfaithfulness is heartbreaking and understanding the causes of infidelity may help you cope with the after effects. ( बेवफाई दिल दहला देने वाली है और बेवफाई के कारणों को समझने से आपको बाद के प्रभावों से निपटने में मदद मिल सकती है। )
  • Some find the video offensive and in bad taste as David is clearly having the after effects of medical treatment. ( कुछ लोगों को वीडियो आपत्तिजनक और खराब स्वाद वाला लगता है क्योंकि डेविड स्पष्ट रूप से चिकित्सा उपचार के बाद के प्रभावों का सामना कर रहा है। )
  • Once upon a time a really powerful magic field must have been generated here, and we're feeling the after-effects. ( एक बार यहाँ एक बहुत शक्तिशाली जादू का क्षेत्र उत्पन्न हुआ होगा, और हम इसके बाद के प्रभावों को महसूस कर रहे हैं। )

More Sentence

  • With the chemical after-effects of super-super stim coursing through my body, there was no way I could take this dude as well.
  • The latter’s distraction at his bereavement is a subject too painful to be dwelt on; its after-effects showed how deep the sorrow sunk.
  • He began to shake, and he recognized that he was experiencing the after-effects of the rush of adrenaline that had begun when he shot the first German.
  • It was the infamous Waterloo and City Line - happily known as ‘the drain’ - suffering from the after-effects of one of its periodic points failures.
  • Hilderich nodded in acknowledgement, and Amonas pulled him upwards hard and fast so as to minimize the after-effects of splintered bone against Hilderich’s raw flesh.
  • Makeover programs shows have people believing that this - the makeover and after effects - can happen to them too when in reality only a miniscule fraction of the country's population will actually qualify and participate.
  • The film was actually focused upon the terrible environmental and potentially devastating genetic effects of nuclear weapons, since the creature known as Godzilla was born from the after-effects of a nuclear explosion.