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afloat - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of afloat in Hindi

  • बचाए
  • बहता हुआ
  • जल मार्गस्थ पण्य

afloat Definition

  • floating in water; not sinking. ( पानी में तैरना; डूबना नहीं। )
  • out of debt or difficulty. ( कर्ज या कठिनाई से बाहर। )

afloat Example

  • It is widely recognised that the money sent home by these exiles kept the country afloat during that difficult time. ( यह व्यापक रूप से मान्यता है कि इन निर्वासितों द्वारा घर भेजे गए धन ने उस कठिन समय में देश को बचाए रखा। )
  • Water-lilies have large numbers of air pockets in their tissues which keep their leaves afloat on the water surface, a perfect supply of air for an insect able to get to it. ( जल-लिली के ऊतकों में बड़ी संख्या में हवा की जेब होती है, जो पानी की सतह पर अपने पत्तों को बचाए रखती है, जो इसे प्राप्त करने में सक्षम कीट के लिए हवा की एक सही आपूर्ति है। )
  • The only reason why they are able to stay afloat is their buoyant sacs near their throats. ( एकमात्र कारण यह है कि वे क्यों रह सकते हैं, उनके गले के पास उनके बोयांट थैली हैं। )
  • The revenue sent back by family members working abroad has kept the economy afloat during the recent, difficult war years. ( विदेशों में काम कर रहे परिवार के सदस्यों द्वारा वापस भेजे गए राजस्व ने हाल के कठिन युद्ध वर्षों के दौरान अर्थव्यवस्था को बरकरार रखा है। )

More Sentence

  • There are rumours afloat that an election might happen in the spring.
  • We're already afloat , therefore our boats must be functional.
  • The pirates attacked us with everything they had, which was significantly more than we did, and we were hard pressed to even stay afloat in the water.
  • But, when it came to our showing in the League, we could consider our seventh place to their fifth a great achievement in light of our difficulties merely keeping afloat .
  • When the ship began to sink, the franchisor left its charge afloat in turbulent waters, without a life jacket.
  • As the badly injured seaman struggled to stay afloat in the freezing water - he was not wearing a lifejacket - crewmen from his ship threw lifebuoys.
  • One cannot really blame them because even the best talent in women's athletics have found it difficult to stay afloat in the international arena.
  • There's interesting talk afloat about blog networks these days.
  • The ship was pulled into a port beneath the palace, where it remained afloat on dark blue waters.
  • There were new evangelical currents afloat , especially the tracts the Fundamentals that gave the literalist movement its name.
  • She was enraptured by the sight of two young men sitting in half barrels trying to sink one another whilst staying afloat in a freshwater pond.
  • She recalled flailing in the water, desperately trying to keep afloat and barely aware of the screams and chaos around her when she heard the voice offering help.
  • No person shall go afloat without first completing an enrolment form.
  • Analysts believe the larger insurers will have sufficient assets to withstand further falls, but some of the smaller companies may find staying afloat increasingly difficult.
  • ‘I'm obviously going to have a go at it, but it will be extremely difficult to stay afloat ,’ said Mr Smith, who runs the business by himself.
  • What is keeping us afloat is further debt expansion.
  • His optimism has kept the team afloat , but it will be difficult to recover fully from failing to finish three of the first five races.
  • The water strider's hairy legs work to keep it afloat .
  • When it comes to keeping the family farm afloat in what have been very difficult times in the agricultural industry, many assume it is the farmer who is earning all the money.
  • He was wearing a padded coat and I think that was giving him some buoyancy and keeping him afloat .
  • The club provides social activities to 150 members with learning difficulties and relies on charity donations and fundraising to keep afloat .
  • There is some talk afloat among our party of removing further up the country, nearer to the mountains, where gold is said to be in greater abundance.
  • It was clear from the report that the club depend almost entirely on sponsorship to keep them afloat as rising costs are making life very difficult for them and their mentors.
  • This is deeply insulting to our members, skilled and dedicated professionals who have worked above and beyond the call of duty to keep services afloat through difficult times.
  • It is believed to be costing him around £400,000 a week to keep the club afloat as it has massive debts and players' salaries to cover.
  • There are rumours afloat that a major musical act will be playing this time next year.