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affix - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of affix in Hindi

  • प्रत्यय
  • जोड़ना
  • चिपकाना
  • मिलाना
  • संबद्ध करना
  • अनुलग्न करना
  • मिलना

affix Definition


  • an additional element placed at the beginning or end of a root, stem, or word, or in the body of a word, to modify its meaning. ( किसी रूट, स्टेम, या शब्द, या शब्द के शरीर में शुरुआत या अंत में रखा गया एक अतिरिक्त तत्व, जिसका अर्थ संशोधित करने के लिए। )


  • stick, attach, or fasten (something) to something else. ( छड़ी, संलग्न, या कुछ और (कुछ) को जकड़ना। )

affix Example

  • I am enclosing the card on which the Post Office wanted me to affix the necessary stamps. ( मैं उस कार्ड को संलग्न कर रहा हूं, जिस पर डाकघर चाहता था कि मैं आवश्यक टिकटों को चिपकाऊं। )
  • Until he can find a way to affix them more securely to his house, he says, they will remain stored in his garage. ( जब तक वह उन्हें अपने घर में और अधिक सुरक्षित रूप से पेश करने का तरीका नहीं मिल जाता, वे कहते हैं, वे अपने गैरेज में संग्रहीत रहेंगे। )
  • I used double-sided tape to affix the ribbon to the paper. ( मैंने कागज पर रिबन चिपकाए जाने के लिए डबल-पक्षीय टेप का उपयोग किया। )
  • Each cable also includes an appropriate amount of clips and screws to properly affix the cables to the floor. ( प्रत्येक केबल में उचित मात्रा में क्लिप और स्क्रू शामिल होते हैं ताकि केबल को फर्श पर ठीक से चिपकाया जा सके। )

More Sentence

  • In my effort to ‘push the envelope,’ had I perhaps neglected to affix sufficient postage?
  • Finally, he agreed to sign and affix his fingerprint to the four-page confession the police had written for him.
  • In contrast, where the affix is a prefix, the dependent clause follows the independent clause.
  • It would be relatively easy for every community to affix geodetic coding on the signs as they are placed.
  • the strings affix to the back of the bridge
  • I affix a leather saddle to his hairy back and ride him into many righteous battles.
  • They were affixed to plywood that was displayed on the walkway to Parliament Hill.
  • The bath included a 10-cm glass Petri dish to which tubing was affixed with cyanoacrylate glue.
  • Located next to the clip is a hole for affixing a lanyard to the base of the knife.
  • Newspapers - even the venerable New York Times - printed flags across entire back pages for affixation to windows.
  • The patch is actually affixed to the skin and then, over time, it releases a steady stream of hormones.
  • Using only my wits and finely honed eye-hand coordination, I successfully affixed two labels.
  • The experimenters pronounced the affixes and bases in the blending part and the complex words in the segmentation part.
  • Make sure your copyright notice is affixed to copies in such manner and location as to give reasonable notice of your copyright.
  • That is, the traditional concept of witnessing the affixation of a traditional signature reduces the incidence of forged signatures.
  • Their job was to go through the cards that all the journalists needed to have, register their seats, affixing the numbers to the seat along with the journalists' names.
  • Anyway, I went over to right the fan and after affixing the cover I turned it on.
  • We usually have in mind a system where a stem is combined with various affixes , which might be prefixes, suffixes, or infixes.
  • Once the border on the wood is engraved, a fine cotton canvas is affixed to the wood with rabbit skin glue - a binding agent that is soaked in water overnight and then heated.
  • Derivational affixes include prefixes and suffixes like un - in ‘unsteady’ and able as in ‘knowable.’
  • Languages that work like this, where whole phrases or clauses can be formed in one word by attaching affixes to noun stems or verbs, are called polysynthetic.
  • Root and pattern affixation is considered nonlinear since neither of the two morphological components appears in continuous form; rather, they are interdigitated within each other.
  • My photo is affixed to this document, and it, too, has an official stamp from the government.
  • She has attested as secretary to the affixation of the seal.
  • At least one fastener affixes the mounting bracket and component to the chassis.
  • And who is responsible for what happens once the photograph is affixed to the gallery wall or printed in the fine volume of war photography?