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advertisement - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of advertisement in Hindi

  • विज्ञापन
  • सूचना
  • इश्तहार
  • सार्वजनिक सूचना

advertisement Definition

  • a notice or announcement in a public medium promoting a product, service, or event or publicizing a job vacancy. (  किसी उत्पाद, सेवा, या घटना को बढ़ावा देने या नौकरी की रिक्ति को सार्वजनिक करने के लिए सार्वजनिक माध्यम में एक नोटिस या घोषणा। )

advertisement Example

  • Then again, this article was basically one long deranged advertisement for his shows. ( फिर, यह लेख मूल रूप से उनके शो के लिए एक लंबे समय से लुप्तप्राय विज्ञापन था। )
  • It could become a much more attractive advertisement for paleontology and for the Society. ( यह जीवाश्म विज्ञान के लिए और सोसायटी के लिए एक बहुत अधिक आकर्षक विज्ञापन बन सकता है। )
  • The current edition is a dull, impersonal and ill - judged advertisement for what we trust is the excitement to come. ( वर्तमान संस्करण एक सुस्त, अवैयक्तिक और बीमार विज्ञापन है जिस पर हम भरोसा करते हैं वह आने वाला उत्साह है। )
  • The other is an 18th century advertisement for a slave auction. ( अन्य गुलाम नीलामी के लिए 18 वीं शताब्दी का विज्ञापन है। )

More Sentence

  • unhappy clients are not a good advertisement for the company
  • All in all it makes a poor advertisement for the firm.
  • It was the government's best possible advertisement for a new stadium.
  • The first semi-final however was an absolute humdinger, a marvellous advertisement for the sport.
  • unhappy clients are not a good advertisement for the firm
  • He's no advertisement for a healthy look, is he?
  • The organisation is looking for more volunteers and there could be no better advertisement for the group than Julie.
  • It would be the most richly observed advertisement for the values of freedom we can imagine.
  • Unhappy at work and in love, our heroine has been the worst imaginable advertisement for women's independence.
  • It comes down to a system that is no advertisement for American technology.
  • February is the month when there is no vegetation to cover this awful advertisement for the town.
  • A while back, I wrote an article that was basically one big advertisement for how incredibly datable I am.
  • He is tennis's most high-profile advertisement for the benefits of an alternative education.
  • After all, torture victims are the best possible advertisement for terrorist recruitment.
  • He was no advertisement for the underdog in his playing days.
  • The walk on Sunday was a huge success story and was a very good advertisement for the Walkway.
  • The film is no bad advertisement for the company, either.
  • The International Rules was the most frightful advertisement for sport that one could ever want to see.
  • we received only two replies to our advertisement
  • The president's testimony is a long, tedious advertisement for his company.
  • And nowhere is this science more exciting than in the advertisements for personal care products.
  • But advertisements for massage services will continue to appear in the paper.
  • All advertisements for cosmetic surgery should also carry clear health warnings, she added.
  • City pages of newspapers are filled with high visibility advertisements for new products.
  • In recent weeks, the Daily Bugle has printed more than a dozen large advertisements for cigarettes.
  • And scores of promos through print and television advertisements announce the arrival of new films.