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adventurous - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of adventurous in Hindi

  • साहसी
  • साहसिक
  • जोखिम से भरा

adventurous Definition

  • willing to take risks or to try out new methods, ideas, or experiences. ( जोखिम लेने या नए तरीकों, विचारों या अनुभवों को आज़माने के लिए तैयार हैं। )

adventurous Example

  • We are reminded that boys are conditioned from an early age to be adventurous and take risks, while girls are taught to be cautious and not stray too far. ( हमें याद दिलाया जाता है कि लड़कों को कम उम्र से ही साहसी होने और जोखिम लेने की सलाह दी जाती है, जबकि लड़कियों को सतर्क रहने और बहुत दूर नहीं जाने की शिक्षा दी जाती है। )
  • The restaurant was pleasantly full: and the menu nothing if not adventurous . ( रेस्तरां सुखद रूप से भरा हुआ था: और अगर साहसी नहीं तो मेनू कुछ भी नहीं। )
  • There are many treasures from ages past just waiting for a brave and adventurous soul such as you to come and claim them. ( अतीत से कई खजाने हैं जो बस एक बहादुर और साहसी आत्मा की प्रतीक्षा कर रहे हैं जैसे कि आप उन्हें आने और दावा करने के लिए। )
  • Hostelling International Canada has launched a new and improved membership product for adventurous travellers on a budget. ( होस्टेलिंग इंटरनेशनल कनाडा ने एक बजट पर साहसिक यात्रियों के लिए एक नया और बेहतर सदस्यता उत्पाद लॉन्च किया है। )

More Sentence

  • His work has been lauded as innovative and adventurous , not restricted by the limitations of adopting a particular style.
  • These are excellent accessories that could add up to your Jeep's sporty and adventurous qualities.
  • I miss feeling adventurous and having fun ideas that I want to try out with someone special.
  • The experimental branch is where adventurous new features are made available in a somewhat official location.
  • Experience the world of adventurous outdoor sports and travel with National Geographic Adventure.
  • Stirling is a lively and adventurous arts and cultural centre which stages a rich programme of events.
  • You now feel a little more adventurous and are willing to take on a little more risk.
  • However, the more you play there the more confident and adventurous you become.
  • On the other hand, that would still leave nearly two hours of vital, adventurous music.
  • If anything, his work is getting less interesting and adventurous , reworking old ideas for a speculative market.
  • Its zig-zag course and the steep cliffs on either side make a two-hour raft trip down the river an adventurous experience.
  • It was both stylistically adventurous and powerfully moving.
  • Secondly, we are all aware that we should try kit out in shallow water before gradually building up our depth and experience and undertaking more adventurous dives.
  • Good travellers are usually adventurous when it comes to food.
  • The more adventurous travelers hike their way into the Inca sanctuary, situated high on a mountain peak in the cloudy forest.
  • A month-long chase is more than just an interesting and adventurous journalistic experience.
  • When she began work as a journalist, she said, she was always adventurous and very brave.
  • In the same vein as the successful restaurants gaining acclaim in Fossgate and Walmgate, it offers adventurous meals which sound mouth-watering.
  • She considers her time in Bulgaria to have been an adventurous experience.
  • This is not a rant against modern or adventurous architecture.
  • Residents of the former East Germany are making up for the years of enforced immobility by becoming the world's most adventurous travellers.
  • At the end of the line, all they may have is a head full of adventurous mishaps to tell their grandchildren about.
  • She continued, wringing her hands in excitement to finish her adventurous story.
  • Parliament planners have, however, ruled out some of the more adventurous advances in toilet technology which are now available.
  • For the adventurous traveller, there is no end to the things that he/she can do in the land of sun-kissed beaches and idyllic backwaters.
  • Explain that if you release it, it could grow to full size and lead a relatively long and adventurous life.