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adoptive - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of adoptive in Hindi

  • गोद लेने योग्य
  • दत्तक
  • ग्रहणीय
  • गोद लिया हुआ
  • गोद लेने योग्य

adoptive Definition

  • as a result of the adoption of another's child. ( दूसरे के बच्चे को गोद लेने के परिणामस्वरूप। )

adoptive Example

  • Obviously it is easier on the child and adoptive parents if the child is adopted at an early age, but this is the real world, and older children are not easily placed. ( जाहिर है कि बच्चे और दत्तक माता-पिता पर यह आसान है यदि बच्चा कम उम्र में अपनाया जाता है, लेकिन यह वास्तविक दुनिया है, और बड़े बच्चों को आसानी से नहीं रखा जाता है। )
  • Paul, 48, and Rosie, 49, are now the proud adoptive parents of two little boys who both have physical disabilities. ( पॉल, ४, और रोजी, ४ ९, अब दो छोटे लड़कों के गर्वित दत्तक माता-पिता हैं, जिनके दोनों शारीरिक अक्षमताएं हैं। )
  • There are far more potential adoptive parents than children available. ( उपलब्ध बच्चों की तुलना में कहीं अधिक संभावित दत्तक माता-पिता हैं। )
  • Both died, leaving their brother to become an adoptive parent to their children. ( दोनों की मृत्यु हो गई, अपने भाई को अपने बच्चों के लिए दत्तक माता-पिता बनने के लिए छोड़ दिया। )

More Sentence

  • Is there no thought for this young man and his adoptive parents, who surely didn't ask to be pushed into the limelight?
  • She, however, has no idea when - or if - he'll be allowed to return to his adoptive country.
  • Kate, who now lives and plays in and around Liverpool, will be bringing in a host of musicians to the Lakes from her adoptive home city.
  • Sylvia worked for Ethiopian independence and Adela was involved in the launch of the Communist party in her adoptive country.
  • It gives incomers to the highlands and islands a link to their adoptive country that's very much more real than blood or poetry.
  • She dwells on her charming manner, love of clothes, loyalty to her brother and, in later life, to her adoptive city.
  • We spent most of the session talking about her relationship with her adoptive father, Eric.
  • They include exemplary parents, adoptive parents, foster parents and grandparents.
  • Is it about a man forging a new relationship with his adoptive mother?
  • We talked with other adoptive parents of her children and decided to take the risk.
  • As a teenager, he had been contacted by his brother's adoptive parents and had been able to forge a new relationship with him.
  • The story was built around an emotional tug-of-war between the natural mother of a Mexican boy and his adoptive parents in San Francisco.
  • She has eschewed her adoptive city of Glasgow, however, in favour of Chapel Allerton, in Leeds, Yorkshire's financial heart.
  • At the 2000 Games, she won the silver medal for her adoptive country in the first women's Olympic pole vault.
  • An adopted child is deemed to be a descendent of his adoptive parent or parents.
  • My former colleague is now well into his 90s, but is as spry and fit as the day when he swam out to meet the submarine sent to take him back to his adoptive homeland.
  • Well, you hear adoptive parents and the children talk often about the situation, when it finally comes up.
  • To the emigrant Irish and to their adoptive countries, the shamrock logo represented all that was best in Irishness.
  • The council has been able to find homes for about 30 children but needs to find adoptive parents for another 30.
  • His final resting place was his beloved adoptive country - Singapore.
  • Nowadays it is recognised that some of these children may require specialist help and their adoptive parents extra support,.
  • Most adoptive parents prefer a child between two and six months of age.
  • The contribution made by individual refugees to their adoptive homeland will also be explored, as will the experiences of refugees more recently.
  • There is no doubt that the relationship that existed between the Claimant and her adoptive parents amounted to family life.
  • Slightly more than 5,000 children are looking for adoptive parents in an average year.
  • Local authority social workers have been blamed for turning down adoptions of older children, claiming they are too damaged for adoptive parents to cope with.