adjustment - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of adjustment in Hindi
- समायोजन
- सामंजस्य
- सुधार
- अनुकूलन
- समन्वय
- व्यवस्था
- समंजन
- एकीकरण
- मेल
- बैठ-बिठाव
- व्यवस्थापन
adjustment Definition
- a small alteration or movement made to achieve a desired fit, appearance, or result. ( एक वांछित परिवर्तन, उपस्थिति, या परिणाम प्राप्त करने के लिए किया गया एक छोटा परिवर्तन या आंदोलन। )
adjustment Example
- Based on theoretical conceptualizations derived from attachment theory, we would expect to identify mediational effects of perceptions of parents on behavioral adjustment . ( अनुलग्नक सिद्धांत से प्राप्त सैद्धांतिक अवधारणाओं के आधार पर, हम व्यवहार समायोजन पर माता-पिता की धारणाओं के मध्यस्थ प्रभावों की पहचान करने की अपेक्षा करेंगे। )
- He has made a slight adjustment successfully. ( उन्होंने सफलतापूर्वक एक मामूली समायोजन किया है। )
- She also questioned the adjustment of market values by reference to Savill's Index. ( उसने साविल के सूचकांक के संदर्भ में बाजार मूल्यों के समायोजन पर भी सवाल उठाया। )
- Dealing with the unexpected requires rapid adjustment to the actual situation. ( अप्रत्याशित से निपटने के लिए वास्तविक स्थिति में तेजी से समायोजन की आवश्यकता होती है। )
More Sentence
- A lot of stuff will still go through him, which is a little bit of an adjustment for Patrick.
- Nonetheless, the bank continues to offer a third of its aid - US $5.8 billion in 2001-for structural adjustment .
- A manova was used to assess the effect of intimacy with parents on adjustment .
- A similar weakness is inherent in psychologies based on adjustment or adaptation.
- Very little has been done on postwar adjustment of veterans in the North.
- Yes, some rich people will benefit from such an adjustment .
- He said, how many people you have gotten a permanent adjustment .
- Then, I checked the micrometer height adjustment shaft - its bearing surfaces were worn out!
- In many cases, the adjustment moved the faculty member from economic marginality to a living wage.
- for many couples there may need to be a period of adjustment
- She showed no resistance to making necessary adjustments , including dietary ones, to treat her problem.
- Palestinians should, thus, be willing to make these much less painful adjustments .
- He's continually suggesting adjustments from the cockpit during races.
- Also watch for players trying to make "last minute adjustments ."
- Instead of making adjustments depending on whom we play, we're going to master our system.
- Vdot is reviewing 34 requests for adjustments covering existing contracts on all of the agency's projects.
- Indeed, the same spoon reamers were probably also used to make adjustments to the tuning of their instruments.