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adjust - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of adjust in Hindi

  • समायोजित
  • समायोजन करना
  • संवारना
  • ठीक जमाना
  • नियमित करना
  • अनुकूलित करना
  • समंजन करना
  • ठीक करना
  • समाधान करना

adjust Definition

  • alter or move (something) slightly in order to achieve the desired fit, appearance, or result. ( वांछित फिट, उपस्थिति, या परिणाम प्राप्त करने के लिए थोड़ा सा परिवर्तन या स्थानांतरित (कुछ)। )
  • assess (loss or damages) when settling an insurance claim. ( बीमा क्लेम सेटल करते समय आकलन (नुकसान या क्षति)। )

adjust Example

  • she must be allowed to grieve and to adjust in her own way ( उसे दुःखी होने और अपने तरीके से समायोजित करने की अनुमति दी जानी चाहिए )
  • Specialized expertise acquired through professional training given on the job may also be used to adjust claims. ( काम पर दिए गए पेशेवर प्रशिक्षण के माध्यम से प्राप्त विशिष्ट विशेषज्ञता का उपयोग दावों को समायोजित करने के लिए भी किया जा सकता है। )
  • Although Lufthansa is a global operating carrier, their business is local and thus the airline adjusts to local needs and habits. ( यद्यपि लुफ्थांसा एक वैश्विक परिचालन वाहक है, लेकिन उनका व्यवसाय स्थानीय है और इस प्रकार एयरलाइन स्थानीय आवश्यकताओं और आदतों को समायोजित करती है। )
  • Also being considered are better light transmission and, ultimately, tunable laser protection that adjusts to the hazard. ( इसके अलावा माना जा रहा है कि बेहतर प्रकाश संचरण है और अंततः, ट्यून करने योग्य लेजर सुरक्षा है जो खतरे को समायोजित करता है। )

More Sentence

  • A couple of days later I felt perfectly normal, possibly two kilos lighter and finally adjusted to the heat.
  • If there's been one negative aspect of Mike's time here, it would be the food, something he still hasn't adjusted to.
  • The company said it was moving away from loss adjusting into making more use of its field force and IT systems to cut costs and offer a better service to clients.
  • The organisation also organized a special task force to review an additional 1,696 claims adjusted using expedited methods.
  • Analysts have not ruled out the company making a major strategic shift as it adjusts to changing market conditions.
  • Analyses were adjusted for age and sex, and there was no effect modification.
  • Length is adjusted by loosening the knurled locking collar only a halt turn, after which the post adjusts to the desired height and is secured by another half turn of the locking collar.
  • She was immediately sent to New York, taking her vows in Tarrytown, and quickly adjusted to religious life.
  • However, the report is already adjusted for such seasonal factors.
  • Also note that the data in these tables are not adjusted for group sizes, and smaller groups are at a distinct disadvantage.
  • Tests were not adjusted for any reason.
  • The seats in black leather are very comfortable and adjustable .
  • Since 2001 my husband has been working with my employer as an insurance adjuster .
  • There are some journalists who have not adjusted to pop journalism.
  • Ulma Form Works, Hawthorne, N.J., devised a self-rising forming system that adjusts to a changing geometry as the core rises.
  • However, his recent run suggests he has adjusted to the new role just behind a lone striker which Ferguson earmarked for him last year.
  • This kind of adjustability is key in buying a quality office chair.
  • The most important feature to look for is maximum adjustability .
  • And Minnesotans seem adjusted to the taxes, calling their state high tax, high service.
  • The data were adjusted for these variables separately in males and females.
  • By the time we got to the car I had already adjusted to my new situation.
  • I soon adjusted to being home with my Dad for half a day alone and before I knew it, Debbie was home from school with stories of what they did in school.
  • This trend continued when the data were adjusted for inflammatory markers.
  • Rolling uses an appropriate size die that adjusts to the steel tube, angle, pipe, channel, bar or steel beam and revolves at the same peripheral speed, turning in opposite directions.
  • All analyses were adjusted for age, sex, and education.
  • Being a flexible sort, I quickly adjusted to the new policy.