adjoining - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of adjoining in Hindi
- साथ लगा हुआ
- संलग्न
- समीप
- समीपवाला
- आसन्न
- पास का
- नज़दीकी
- समीपस्थ
adjoining Definition
- (of a building, room, or piece of land) next to or joined with. ( (किसी भवन, कमरे या भूमि का टुकड़ा) के बगल में या साथ मिला हुआ। )
- be next to and joined with (a building, room, or piece of land). ( के बगल में और (एक भवन, कमरा, या भूमि का टुकड़ा) के साथ शामिल हो गए। )
adjoining Example
- There might be problems in connection with overlooking adjoining buildings, or rights to light implications. ( आसपास की इमारतों को देखने या प्रकाश निहितार्थ के अधिकारों के संबंध में समस्याएं हो सकती हैं। )
- The planned development in Lowndes Square is currently two adjoining townhouses, which were split into nine separate apartments in 1998. ( लॉन्डेस स्क्वायर में नियोजित विकास वर्तमान में दो सटे हुए टाउनहाउस हैं, जो 1998 में नौ अलग-अलग अपार्टमेंट में विभाजित हो गए थे। )
- His remains were removed to the Church of the Assumption in Templeorum, followed by burial in the adjoining cemetery. ( उनके अवशेषों को टेम्पोरोरम में चर्च ऑफ द असेसमेंट के लिए हटा दिया गया, इसके बाद कब्रिस्तान में दफन किया गया। )
- Following Requiem Mass burial took place in the adjoining cemetery the next day. ( रिक्वायरमेंट के बाद अगले दिन कब्रिस्तान के आस-पास सामूहिक रूप से दफन किया गया। )
More Sentence
- The plant has a rural location with an adjoining farm which is also owned by the business.
- Removal took place from Castlebar Hospital to Barnacarroll Church with burial in the adjoining cemetery following Requiem Mass celebrated by Fr. Colm Burke.
- We will now be able to sell the remaining part of the adjoining block to recoup some of our costs.
- Some live in restricted areas in the West Bank, some in adjoining Arab countries, some in the United States.
- All too soon you will be shepherded into an adjoining area for the actual tasting.
- The university subsequently expanded the Belfield Campus portfolio to include adjoining properties.