adjective - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of adjective in Hindi
adjective Definition
- a word or phrase naming an attribute, added to or grammatically related to a noun to modify or describe it. ( एक शब्द या वाक्यांश जो एक विशेषता का नामकरण करता है, इसे संशोधित या वर्णन करने के लिए संज्ञा से संबंधित या व्याकरणिक रूप से जोड़ा जाता है। )
adjective Example
- Firstly I think one of the big problems is the use of descriptive adjectives as nouns. ( सबसे पहले मुझे लगता है कि बड़ी समस्याओं में से एक संज्ञा के रूप में वर्णनात्मक विशेषण का उपयोग है। )
- An important reason for this is that most nouns and most adjectives have rather complex semantic structures. ( इसका एक महत्वपूर्ण कारण यह है कि अधिकांश संज्ञा और अधिकांश विशेषणों में जटिल अर्थ संबंधी संरचनाएँ होती हैं। )
- Reading becomes an exercise in spotting nouns and adjectives ; there is nothing to engage or delight. ( पढ़ना संज्ञा और विशेषण को दर्शाने में एक अभ्यास बन जाता है; संलग्न या प्रसन्न करने के लिए कुछ भी नहीं है। )
- What we really have here is an adjectival clause qualifying potentially a noun phrase or a noun. ( हमारे पास वास्तव में यहाँ एक विशेषण वाक्यांश है जो संभावित रूप से एक संज्ञा वाक्यांश या संज्ञा को अर्हता देता है। )
More Sentence
- The other parts are adverbial or adjectival clauses.
- But in the Pledge, the phrase is used adjectivally , to modify nation.
- It has never been obvious to me that that means corporations formed before 1901, and that is said to be a past participle, used adjectivally .
- In Swinburne's work as a whole many adjectives are used as nouns and many nouns as adjectives .
- It is the past participle, used adjectivally , of the verb striegeln.
- Use verbs, nouns and adjectives and get a copy of Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases.
- Moreoever the rest of the lines explain and expand these references by using adjectival phrases and subordinate clauses which tell the reader to look for explanation within the poem itself.
- It's true that ‘under God’ sometimes appears in verse and religious writing used adjectivally .
- ‘High and Latin’ is a coordination of an adjectival modifier with a proper-noun modifier, and sounds just as weird.
- In the meantime, the parenthetical portion of the definition is the Air Force's adjectival clarification of the term.
- This adjectivally driven criticism often yields sophisticated contrapuntal readings that account for how imperialist ideology penetrated everyday life during the period.