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adenoids - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of adenoids in Hindi

  • कंठग्रंथि
  • कंठशालूक
  • गले की गिल्टी

adenoids Definition

  • a mass of enlarged lymphatic tissue between the back of the nose and the throat, often hindering speaking and breathing in young children.  ( नाक और गले के पीछे के बीच बढ़े हुए लसीका ऊतक का एक द्रव्यमान, जो अक्सर छोटे बच्चों में बोलने और सांस लेने में बाधा उत्पन्न करता है। )

adenoids Example

  • Removal of the adenoids and tonsils may help if they are blocking the entrance to the Eustachian tube. ( एडेनोइड्स और टॉन्सिल को हटाने से मदद मिल सकती है यदि वे यूस्टेशियन ट्यूब के प्रवेश द्वार को अवरुद्ध कर रहे हैं। )
  • If your child snores during sleep, he may have enlarged tonsils or adenoids that are making it hard for him to breathe while asleep, waking him up often. ( यदि आपका बच्चा नींद के दौरान खर्राटे लेता है, तो उसके पास टॉन्सिल्स या एडेनोइड्स हो सकते हैं, जो उसे सोते समय सांस लेने के लिए कठिन बना रहे हैं, उसे अक्सर जागते हुए। )
  • Surgery might also help by removing tonsils and adenoids that prevent proper breathing. ( टॉन्सिल और एडेनोइड को हटाने में सर्जरी भी मदद कर सकती है जो उचित श्वास को रोकती है। )
  • Close to the front opening of the Eustachian tubes are masses of tissue called adenoids . ( यूस्टेशियन ट्यूबों के सामने के उद्घाटन के करीब ऊतक के द्रव्यमान हैं जिन्हें एडेनोइड्स कहा जाता है। )

More Sentence

  • The doctor will also check the size of the adenoids to see if they are unusually enlarged and blocking the Eustachian tube.
  • Even though some children may need surgery, it's important to remember that enlarged adenoids are normal in some children.
  • The tissue that makes up the adenoids is called ‘lymphoid tissue’, which means that it contains white blood cells of the immune system.
  • The adenoids , which are gland-like structures located in the back of the upper throat near the eustachian tubes, are large in children and can interfere with the opening of the Eustachian tubes.
  • Enlarged adenoids or tonsils, which are at the back of the throat, may block the Eustachian tube.
  • The child was also mouth-breathing, a sign that her adenoids were so enlarged that she was unable to breathe through her nose.
  • Enlarged adenoids can also be caused by repeated chest infections or allergies, but in other cases the cause is unknown.
  • Lateral neck radiography provides useful information about the size of the adenoids and their relationship to the upper airway.
  • If the adenoids are unusually enlarged, and blocking the Eustachian tubes, they may also have to be removed.
  • Overweight men between the ages of 30 and 65 are most commonly affected, but it may also occur in children with enlarged tonsils or adenoids .
  • As it turned out, I had really bad adenoids and near-constant tonsil infections - when the tonsils came out around age 7, my appetite revved up somewhat.
  • Tonsils and adenoids were present in all subjects.
  • Increased size of the adenoids causes breathing problems and also susceptibility to infections.
  • Tonsils and adenoids are composed of tissue similar to the lymph nodes or ‘glands’ found in the neck, groin and other places in the body.
  • I was in hospital to have enlarged adenoids removed.
  • Mike's pinched, adenoidal tenor gave a little bite to the verses of their songs, but they were defined by Brian's angelic falsetto on the choruses.
  • Literate lyrics, an insistent strum, and an endearingly adenoidal yelp combine for a thoroughly enjoyable song.
  • I hear that high, adenoidal voice that sounds like 50 other kids who have that same adenoidal voice.
  • Oh, and the singer's adenoidal yelping isn't an affectation.
  • Some listeners will probably find his voice a bit adenoidal for their tastes.