addressee - Meaning in Hindi
Meaning of addressee in Hindi
addressee Definition
- the person to whom something, typically a letter, is addressed. ( वह व्यक्ति जिसे कोई चीज़, आमतौर पर एक पत्र, संबोधित किया जाता है। )
addressee Example
- Perhaps the addressee already knows the information in the telegram because he has been watching over you. ( शायद पता पहले से ही तार में जानकारी जानता है क्योंकि वह आप पर देख रहा है। )
- the contents of the letters were calculated to cause distress to the individual addressee ( पत्रों की सामग्री की गणना व्यक्तिगत संबोधन के लिए संकट पैदा करने के लिए की गई थी )
- ProMobile claimed that it has received no such letter, while the French company insists it has proof that it has reached the addressee . ( प्रोमोबाइल ने दावा किया कि उसे ऐसा कोई पत्र नहीं मिला है, जबकि फ्रांसीसी कंपनी का कहना है कि उसके पास इस बात का सबूत है कि वह पते पर पहुंच चुका है। )
- The addressee (my English friend) should have received the package but refused to pay the high tax imposed on cigarettes. ( अभिभाषक (मेरे अंग्रेजी मित्र) को पैकेज प्राप्त करना चाहिए था लेकिन सिगरेट पर लगाए गए उच्च कर का भुगतान करने से इनकार कर दिया। )
More Sentence
- They will be delivered to the addressee in gift packs, with personal messages.
- The postman is forced to meet the addressee only when registered posts or money orders are delivered.
- All this is of course comes from the perspective of an addressee whom I have held to have been rather too well qualified.
- It may not be disclosed to, or used by, anyone other than the addressee .
- One, sent to London, was delivered to the addressee the following day.
- So if I was not the intended addressee of the chain letter, I could harvest and sell the addresses.
- the referent is the addressee
- The information in this email is intended for the addressee only.
- Mail was expensive and had to be collected after a conveyance fee was paid at the post office by the addressee .
- The scam letter, which has already been sent to businesses in the area, falsely claims that the addressee must register under the Data Protection Act.
- My ballot papers arrived but with the wrongly-named addressee .
- The post gradually stacks up in messy piles, until it eventually gets removed by one or other of the addressees , many of whom still appear to have a door-key.
- Poetry then embraces the failure of communication in terms of masses, but not between individual readers and writers, addressees and addressers.
- It's curious and beguiling that an artist so known as a raiser of hell should also be so accomplished at writing ballads in which various female addressees get reassured emotionally.
- Of the 536 questionnaires presumably delivered to addressees , 139 completed questionnaires were returned, yielding a 26% return rate.
- Although the report normally remains within US Air Force channels, commanders may add other addressees , as appropriate, to avoid duplicate reporting.
- And I know you're back, because I was one of the thirty-nine addressees on the generic email that you sent round.
- Happily, I then realised that the items I had to post were not in any way urgent: it would matter not one iota if none of them reached the addressees for a week or two.