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adaptable - Meaning in Hindi

Meaning of adaptable in Hindi

  • अनुकूलनीय
  • अनुकूलन-क्षम
  • व्यवस्था योग्य

adaptable Definition

able to adjust to new conditions.

adaptable Example

  • A remarkable amount of Toyota's hybrid technology is adaptable to fuel cells. ( टोयोटा की हाइब्रिड तकनीक की एक उल्लेखनीय राशि ईंधन कोशिकाओं के लिए अनुकूल है। )
  • Most perennials are adaptable to sun or shade, various soil and water conditions. ( अधिकांश बारहमासी सूरज या छाया, विभिन्न मिट्टी और पानी की स्थिति के अनुकूल हैं। )
  • It was endlessly adaptable to the changing social and economic landscape, and ruthless at ditching beliefs or leaders which stood in the way of power. ( यह बदलते सामाजिक और आर्थिक परिदृश्य के लिए अंतहीन रूप से अनुकूल था, और खाई विश्वासों या नेताओं पर निर्दयी था जो सत्ता के रास्ते में खड़ा था। )
  • The till is adaptable to the individual needs of the retailer. ( तक रिटेलर की व्यक्तिगत जरूरतों के अनुकूल है। )

More Sentence

  • They are adaptable to soils and situations and can be planted beside a water-garden, as a border or on slopes to bind the soil.
  • Citylink has found that Linux readily is adaptable to whatever the company needs it to do.
  • The unit is readily adaptable to aviation, automotive and marine modes with a minimum of effort.
  • Living languages are in constant use and therefore must be adaptable to changing situations and circumstances.
  • We have created units that are flexible, creative and adaptable to the changing marketplace around us.
  • All the depicted vegetation is highly resilient and adaptable to the most hostile surroundings.
  • The receiver is of the flat-top variety with an accessory rail that is adaptable to most optical sights.
  • The highly divided gecko foot is also minutely adaptable to bumpy surfaces and is easy to reposition, he says.
  • Compared to hard law it can be more flexible and adaptable to a fast changing technical and political environment.
  • It is a compact, drop-point fixed blade designed for easy carry and adaptable to many uses.
  • The machines are adaptable to either single or multiple filling operations.
  • But the resulting weapons led the way into the missile age and proved adaptable to tactical air warfare.
  • Now we have to develop models of implants adaptable to the larger human eyes.
  • Rational beliefs tend to be moderate, flexible, and adaptable to life events.
  • One type of filter was not adaptable to all the gases used, so the masks were ineffective sometimes.
  • Therefore, it would be easily adaptable for multiple purposes.
  • We're learning that design models need to be adaptable to various output methods.
  • Approaches to TB control should be flexible and adaptable to local needs and circumstances.
  • We acknowledge it is not easy, but we all must be adaptable to survive.
  • Insects and diseases don't bother them, and the plants are incredibly adaptable to almost any climate.
  • Researchers also hope to create a tank design that could be adaptable to any type of solid-state hydrogen storage.
  • And the systems had to be easily adaptable to handle other birds, such as turkeys and ducks.
  • Being a compact, three-level expressed framed structure, it was readily adaptable to new uses.
  • Doctors need to be balanced, open, and adaptable to change.
  • Acoustical control poses one of the greatest challenges to adaptable interiors.
  • Now the Home Office says that these guns are easily adaptable to fire live ammunition.